Is it feasible to use EVERY joinable NPC in one play-through?

The female Invoker star of my current play-through is an accommodating soul, willing to give a temporary home to every one of the Sword Coast's good, bad and ugly in her revolving door of carnage. Ideally I'd like to keep each member in long enough to see out a quest or three. Will it leave me with major problems in the endgame, though, if I've not really had any long-term members who I've carefully overseen the development of?
Edit: I misunderstood the "revolving door of carnage" bit when I wrote the above sentence.
Also, I would suggest designating a specific role for each party spot - i.e: "archer," "healer," "mage/wand-user," etc. - and only swap similar NPCs in and out of those spots, so as to not disrupt your party composition too much.
In my experience, I actually found that my party remained stable and even improved as I swapped NPCs, until arriving at the city of Baldur's Gate. After that, I found that the last available NPCs were noticeably inadequate compared to my current party members, and trying to incorporate them would actually cause a decrease in the overall efficiency of my party.
By the time I reach Baldurs Gate I will have used all the characters, at which point I'll continue the main story with the canon party.
I often struggle to use a lot of the BG1 characters just because I never feel right telling Imoen to get lost (she keeps insisting we're good friends... How can I say no?), and I was specifically told to go to the Friendly Arms Inn to meet Khalid & Jaheira. So that's 4 of 6 slots taken right there! And the pair I meet on the road to the FAI seem nice enough... If Xzar and Montaron don't mind being flexible enough to making a side trip to the FAI, then I feel like a jerk taking their potion and telling them to get lost! Boom, done deal, 6 of 6 slots before I even reach Beregost. If I keep Xzar and Monty through the Nashkel mines quest, that means passing right by Kagain and Garrick, ignoring the people in the southern half of the map, letting Edwin and Minsc sit there, and now, thanks to the EE added content, blowing off Dorn, Neera, and Rasaad. Not to mention poor Xan, who I don't have a spot for when I get to the end of the mine.
I keep hoping that the Harpers and Zhents will come to blows early. Never seems to happen. Boo.
A perfect mod for me wouldn't be one that makes all NPCs available early (the way that the NPC project does). A perfect mod for me would give NPCs a variety of different spawn positions, and randomize where they start from game to game. I think it would be enormously fun if you didn't know who you were going to run into at any given time. One playthrough, Xzar and Monty are in their normal place. In another playthrough, they're down in Nashkel. Etc...