Level 1 Hp for a Ranger Cleric

Hey Guys I just created a half elf Ranger Cleric with 18 Con and he started with 17 HP. This doesn't make sense at all as a level 1 fighter with 18 con only starts with 14 HP. Is this a bug or am I looking at this wrong? Thanks!
But there is an exploit in character selection where you go back and forth I think between options and it will double the con bonus.
I would guess you did this once, so you are getting the +4 for your con bonus twice. 10 +4 +4
Reroll it and see if it starts correctly at 14.
Ranger max 10 - half of which is 5
Cleric max 8 - half of which is 4
Ranger con bonus 4 - half of which is 2
Cleric con bonus 2- half of which is 1
Which adds up to 12 instead of 13
Any advice to this question, oh wise one
If you look at your character it says HP / Level + 4
So each Ranger level at max HP is going to get (10 + 4) / 2 = 7
Each Cleric level at max HP is going to get (8 + 4) / 2 = 6
So 1 level from both of them is going to be 13, and at Ranger 2 / Cleric 2 you will have 26.
I don't believe that is how it should work according to pen and paper, but I assume it is a system limitation thing where each character only has ONE con bonus, instead of 2 or 3, and it takes that ONE con bonus from the best option.
(I think) I did just test this with Ranger / Cleric and it is working as I described.
Edit: Oh, I see @moopy made a post about doubled con bonuses, seems to account for both of our issues perfectly.