Dorn - to Claw or not?

I'm wondering whether to give Dorn the Claw of Kazgaroth or not, CHARNAME got the Con tome (though I did give Dorn the Charisma tome), and he's not a shorty, so he can take the Con hit without noticing, though the -4 to saves vs. death/poison might be a problem at my current stage in the game - I've done the Bandit Camp and most of the south part of the map, but am still to do Spiders Wood and the the Cloakwood areas, both of which contain spiders (and therefore poison...), so was thinking perhaps best to wait until after I've done those areas?
BTW Dorn is currently level 6, and there's no one else in my party (elf fighter/mage CHARNAME with 18 Con, Monty, Viconia, Imoen, Edwin) who would be good to use the Claw with.
BTW Dorn is currently level 6, and there's no one else in my party (elf fighter/mage CHARNAME with 18 Con, Monty, Viconia, Imoen, Edwin) who would be good to use the Claw with.
I've now done the Spider Wood and Cloakwood Nest, so am tempted now to give Dorn the Claw...