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Did I dual class too late?

I aimed to dual class Xzar to a cleric earlier but needed a tome. By the time I got it, he had reached level 7. That didn't seem to be as huge a problem till I saw the insane amount of experience to reach 8th level as a cleric. I'm fairly fare in the game and he's a level 4 cleric at the moment. Should I just load or will he be alright?


  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    These progression charts are always useful:'s_Gate:_Progression_Charts

    It looks like at level 7 mage Xzar would have had 60,000 xp and a level 8 cleric will need 110,000 xp for a total of 170,000 xp which is 9k over the cap so that won't work.

    A level 6 mage / 8 cleric would work with 40,000 xp / 110,000 xp which would be 150,000, which is 11k under the cap.

    If you have gone further than you want to load back from, you can always use shadowkeeper to change his first class to level 6 and remove the abilities / spells and HP he may have gotten from that 7th level.
  • DavrenDavren Member Posts: 5
    Whoa shadow keeper works with the enhanced edition?! I'm really hoping that's what you mean.
  • GallowglassGallowglass Member Posts: 3,356
    @Davren: I hear that SK can be made to work with BG:EE, although I haven't tried it myself.

    However, even without shadowkeeping it, your mistake isn't the end of the world. Xzar would finish as a level 7 Cleric, pretty useful and not too far behind a pureclass Cleric who would only reach level 8. Of course his mage levels are wasted, and that's a pity, but probably not a game-wrecking disaster.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    Shadow Keeper does work with the enhanced edition. It is really easy to make it work, you just have to copy your saved game folder that you want to edit to the right place.

    There are instructions on this forum somewhere. Search for Shadowkeeper and you should find it. I'd find it and link it but I'm literally running out the door, so if you can't get Shadowkeeper to work and you can't find the post let me know and I'll tell you how to get it running.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    Copy baldur.ini, dialog.tlk, and your characters and save folders into your 00766 directory, then point Shadowkeeper to that directory and restart the program.

    Of course, you'll have to copy newer saves over if you want to edit them.

    (If you don't know, dialog.tlk is in 00766\lang\en_US or whatever language you use, and the rest are in your Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition folder.)
  • DavrenDavren Member Posts: 5
    Hmm...Well it's been years since I've used shadowkeeper...I remember it being a creation kit of sorts. Is that now longer the case? I'm not familiar with this mud master thing...Am I missing something really obvious?
  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419
    There's a sticky right on the top of the modding forum that explains how to get SK to work with BG:EE
  • DavrenDavren Member Posts: 5
    I actually have read that, but the big issue I'm having is actually downloading shadowkeeper. The only thing I can get off the old site is called mudmaster...
  • lTyllTyl Member Posts: 2
    @Davren Go here:
    Scroll to the very bottom of the page. Click "Download Version 2.1.4"

    Follow the steps Jalily posted. Done.
  • DavrenDavren Member Posts: 5
    Oh wow, I went to the download tab...didn't try scrolling down on the shadowkeeper page. I knew I was missing something obvious! Thanks much :)
  • Nic_MercyNic_Mercy Member Posts: 422
    my advice would just be to raise the level cap slightly. Then you can get your mage levels back without futzing with shadowkeeper (and possibly messing up Xzar's stats)

    With that said... having SK up and running with bg:ee is still nice to have and worth taking the time to do!
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