How do I switch Viconia's BG:EE portrait with her BG2 one?

Question's in the title really. I find the BG1 portrait for Viconia displeasing - it doesn't look like an elf, never mind a drow. Pink hair? Old lady? Etc.
Surely there is a simple way to swap in the BG2 portrait. In fact, surely some of you have done it already. I'd appreciate to know how to do it too!
Surely there is a simple way to swap in the BG2 portrait. In fact, surely some of you have done it already. I'd appreciate to know how to do it too!
1) Take these pictures. Btw, mine are modded to give her blue clothes (Shar's colour): if you want the original colour, just do a quick search on the internet for the original portrait and make sure you get the right image size (written below).
2) "Save as..." .bmp (24 bit, mind you) using a graphic manipulation program like GIMP or even Paint. This is the same procedure for all custom portraits, including CHARNAME's.
3) Name them ViconiaL (the 210x330 one), ViconiaM (169x266) and ViconiaS (54x84).
4) Place them in the Documents > Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition > Portraits folder. Create that folder if you don't already have one (it's case sensitive, so make sure to give it a capital "P").
PS: If you want to change any other NPC's portrait, you can do the same. Here's the proper file names for each NPC (both in BG and BG2).