Any way to turn off cleric's automatic healing?

here's my problem:
I'm using two clerics, my main and Yeslick. the former is set to fighter aggressive script (fighter1), the latter goes with slings, so ranged script (arang) - nowhere near cleric scripts or anything involving healing.
yet every goddamn time someone gets below a certain HP threshold (haven't figured out the exact numbers yet), one of 'em drops everything and hits the person with the best healing spell available. wyvern wailing on you in near death status? no problem. being poisoned from the same wyvern? no biggie. the character you want to heal running from you, because she's set to ranged script, so tries to get away from enemies, while you're going in for a hug with a *goddamn wyvern on your ass*? ehh, whatever.
so, to get to the point: it's driving me nuts, and my characters are nonstop wasting their healing spells on useless bullshit, ofter overhealing, and even more often just messing it up, because I can't see that what the hell they're trying to do, and interrupt it.
is there any way to turn this off, *without* turning AI off? I like my team automatically beating the living crap out of my enemies, but this healing thing annoying as hell, and I'm pretty sure there was nothing along these lines in BG1/BG2.
I'm using two clerics, my main and Yeslick. the former is set to fighter aggressive script (fighter1), the latter goes with slings, so ranged script (arang) - nowhere near cleric scripts or anything involving healing.
yet every goddamn time someone gets below a certain HP threshold (haven't figured out the exact numbers yet), one of 'em drops everything and hits the person with the best healing spell available. wyvern wailing on you in near death status? no problem. being poisoned from the same wyvern? no biggie. the character you want to heal running from you, because she's set to ranged script, so tries to get away from enemies, while you're going in for a hug with a *goddamn wyvern on your ass*? ehh, whatever.
so, to get to the point: it's driving me nuts, and my characters are nonstop wasting their healing spells on useless bullshit, ofter overhealing, and even more often just messing it up, because I can't see that what the hell they're trying to do, and interrupt it.
is there any way to turn this off, *without* turning AI off? I like my team automatically beating the living crap out of my enemies, but this healing thing annoying as hell, and I'm pretty sure there was nothing along these lines in BG1/BG2.
@atcDave: a well equipped team tends to kill things faster than you can switch targets, so autoattack scripts are a godsend. for everything else though, yeah, I'm pretty sure nobody in their right mind would trust a wizard to scripts.
For that reason, I generally play with AI completely turned off. The only time I want my people to automatically acquire their own target is when fighting tons of annoying cannon fodder type enemies(KOBOLDS!) but in that situation having the AI off works just as well for the above mentioned reason. If my fighters are attacking something difficult I generally want to keep ordering them around after they kill it anyway.