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Creating custom portraits with iPad only version

I know I've asked this before but never got a good solution so I'm putting it out there again. Is there a way to make custom portraits work in the iPad without having the mac or PC version?

I have a mac and windows machine, and if I need to use those platforms to access the content that's fine. But the only version of BG I have on my PC is BG Tutu. I also have the original mac version as well.

Please let me know if there's a way to do this, as I'm not really starting up a game without the ablity to use my portraits.


  • BJMJDBJMJD Member Posts: 192
    edited December 2012
    You can do it, using this method :

    and editing your portraits with Shadow keeper.
  • scanlinescanline Member Posts: 46
    Having no luck with this. When I create a folder with iFunBox in Baldur's Gate -> Library -> Portraits there is still no custom button under the portraits when creating a charatcter. Can someone confirm for me or not if creating a folder in Baldur's Gate -> Library -> Portraits enables the custom portrait button? Is there a step I'm missing here?

    Anyone's help will be greatly appreciated. This has been a real problem so far for me.
  • scanlinescanline Member Posts: 46
    Also, I do not have the PC or Mac version.
  • BJMJDBJMJD Member Posts: 192
    edited January 2013
    I don't have the PC or Mac version but it works for me.

    I will describe, how I did it, may be you miss something.

    1) Create your portrait. To do this follow this link :

    2) found the file " baldur's gate 1.0.1.ipa " in your Itunes library

    3) copy it somewhere you can edit it

    4) Change the extension to " .zip "

    5) decompress it

    6) modifie what you get to have

    \Baldur\dialog.tlk (found in lang\en_US\dialog.tlk)
    \Baldur\save\ <- your save here<br />
    \Baldur\portraits\ <- put your portraits here<br />

    7) Get your save from your iPad and put it in the " save " folder on the computer

    8) Put your images in the " \Baldur\portraits\ " folder.

    9) launch Shadow Keeper and make using the " \Baldur " folder. You should have some warning messages but it should work.

    10) At this moment you should be able to edit your portraits, so do it.

    11) Shadow keeper will create, in the new save, " Baldur.gam " file, edit it to " BALDUR.GAM "

    12) Drag and drop your " portraits " folder in your iPad, using Ifunbox, to have:

    \Baldur's Gate -> Library -> portraits

    13) Put your new save in your Ipad
  • scanlinescanline Member Posts: 46
    So this method edits the photos in the save file. Thanks a lot for the help. Just to confirm, there's no way to select portraits from the custom button during the character creation sequence?

    Has anyone been able to enable this "custom" button on the iPad?
  • scanlinescanline Member Posts: 46
    Thanks, got confirmation on another thread on this. As of now the custom portrait button cannot be enabled on the iPad.
  • JDWolfJDWolf Member Posts: 5
    BJMJD, this did not work for me. Let me explain what I did and see if you can assist.
    I downloaded Shadow Keeper 2.1.4. Correct version?
    In step 9 I had to move the dialog.tlk from the lang\eng-US folder to the \Baldur folder to get Shadow Keeper to run.
    In step 10, Shadow Keeper would only recognize the portraits in the portrait folder if they were of the exact dimensions as the old portraits (S = 38x60 and L = 110x170)
    However, when I run the save game up on the iPad, the portrait is blank and the game crashes if I open the character sheet. I have tried...
    Putting the old portraits in a Portraits folder in the Documents folder
    Putting the old portraits in a Portraits folder in the Library folder
    Putting new portraits (using the new dimensions for S, M, and L... namely 54x84, 169x266, and 210x330) in a Portraits folder in the Documents folder
    Putting the new portraits in a Portraits folder the Library folder
    The portrait file names are less than 8 characters and end with the right letter. I made the names all caps with no special characters. I've tried the images on the iPad with .bmp and with .BMP, no joy. They are 24 bit, not 32.
    What am I missing?
  • BJMJDBJMJD Member Posts: 192
    Sorry, I have just tried it with the old portrait size (because I tried it on Ipad which is not mine ). I have just tried with the new portraits size and it does not work but, I keep searching.

    For the old size try with a folder name " portrait " and not " Portraits ". When I try with a capital " P " my game bug.
  • BJMJDBJMJD Member Posts: 192
    So I found a trick to have the new size's portraits, it is not very clean but it works.

    1) Have some portraits with the old size, S = 38x60 and L = 110x170 like you said it

    2) Edit your game's portraits with the old size and save it. Edit the " Baldur.gam " file to " BALDUR.GAM "

    3) On your Ipad create a folder " portraits ", with a " p " and not a " P ", in:

    \Baldur's Gate -> Library -> portraits

    4) In this " portraits " folder put your portraits which have the new size but with the same name as your old portraits size except for the old large image, this one should finish with a " M " and not a "L"

    5) Transfer your save

    6) Play ;)
  • JDWolfJDWolf Member Posts: 5
    *gasp* That worked!!! :)

    You rock!

    Basically, that's what I had already done. I had created the save using 2 old sizes and put the 3 new sizes in the Library with the same name.

    So, I went in, as you suggested, and just took the capital P off the portraits folder in the Library and, like a magic missile spell, it just works!!!

    Thank you so much for figuring this out. Now I can use custom portraits without having to buy the PC version. And, since I'm using a completely custom party, having 6 unique portraits tailor-made for them will be awesome.
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    Added this thread as a link at the top of the Known Bugs and Issues post as part of the "knowledge base" I'm trying to maintain.
  • IecerintIecerint Member Posts: 431
    I'm having trouble getting the "custom" button to appear, even following JKWolf's instructions. Is it necessary to have all three of SML images for this to work on the iPad version?

    I edited the size, name, and .bmp format of the files and used iFunbox to put S/M-sized portraits into Baldur's Gate/Library/portraits, but the custom button doesn't appear at the portrait selection screen.
  • BJMJDBJMJD Member Posts: 192
    The custom button never appear.

    Try this way, named your portraits Man1L, Man1M, Man1S (or Woman1L, Woman1M, Woman1L) and put it into " Baldur's Gate/Library/portraits ". At this time your custom portraits replace one of the default portraits (if you use the name Man1, you replace the bald man).
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    BJMJD said:

    The custom button never appear.

    Try this way, named your portraits Man1L, Man1M, Man1S (or Woman1L, Woman1M, Woman1L) and put it into " Baldur's Gate/Library/portraits ". At this time your custom portraits replace one of the default portraits (if you use the name Man1, you replace the bald man).

    This works very well! You can also add Man2L, M, S it is the other default portrait in character creation screen. Umm, so 'custom' button never appears, if you buy the portrait pack app, does it appear? I don't like the portrait pack, but if it enables the custom button and then we can add our custom portraits from there it might be well worth the price.

  • IecerintIecerint Member Posts: 431
    I already bought the portrait pack, so I don't think buying the portrait pack will make it appear. FYI some of the ladyportraits are pretty nice-looking. :]

    The analogous thing apparently DOES happen for the sound pack, so maybe this is a glitch?
  • coryivmcoryivm Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2013
    Is there a list of file names for the default portraits so that we can replace them on iPad? Or could we create one if we know what they are?

    I can verify that these work:

    Man1L.bmp, Man1M.bmp, Man1S.bmp
    Man2L.bmp, Man2M.bmp, Man2S.bmp
    Woman1L.bmp, Woman1M.bmp, Woman1S.bmp
    Woman1L.bmp, Woman1M.bmp, Woman1S.bmp
    DornL.bmp, DornM.bmp, DornS.bmp
    NeeraL.bmp, NeeraM.bmp, Neeras.bmp
    KivanL.bmp, KivanM.bmp, KivanS.bmp

    I imagine that the other named characters work as well though I do believe they can only be up to 7 or 8 characters of their name plus L,M, or S for the file size. I just ran out of time to mess around with it.

    Does anyone know how to convert the other default pictures after Man2 and before Ajantis? I tried typing Man3, Man4, Man5, etc. and they didn't work. I could have typed it wrong, like not capitalizing or something but I couldn't figure it out.

    Also does anyone know the file names for the additional portrait pack?

    If we want to compile a list, I'll edit this post as we find names and can verify that they work.
  • BJMJDBJMJD Member Posts: 192
    There, you have all NPC with their portraits' spelling (less the EE NPC).

    I don't think there are more of portrait as man1, man2 + NPC
  • coryivmcoryivm Member Posts: 27
    Yeah there are about 4 more portraits in between man2 and Ajantis. Also is there a list of file names for the IWD styled portrait pack?
  • BJMJDBJMJD Member Posts: 192
    edited April 2013
    I have got a look with shadow keeper and if I understand well which portraits you are talking, it should be :

    GENDWRF (with a L, M, S for the size)
  • coryivmcoryivm Member Posts: 27
    Awesome! Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited April 2013
    Yep, changing these portraits work very well on Ipad. Only hitch is, lesser NPCs who use them (Osprey and others in Obe's training party, Arkanis when he finds you in Catacombs etc) now use the changed portraits too, which may not be appropriate, but it is a very minor thing. To be able to use custom portraits on character generation is wonderful!
  • coryivmcoryivm Member Posts: 27
    edited April 2013
    Yeah I went pretty wild with changing portraits last night. I'm not a big fan of Baldur's Gate styled portraits. I like to see more of my character like IWD. So I've updated portraits for most of my party and as well as preparation for some characters that I want to make.

    If someone had the time could they check to see what the file names of the additional portrait pack are in shadowkeeper? I don't think they make shadowkeeper for mac, nor do I have a lot of time to sit down at computer and mess around with files when I'm at home.
  • IecerintIecerint Member Posts: 431
    Are there any updates here?

    I read something in another thread about only 1 file being needed now rather than 3?
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