funky, outside-of-the-box dual classes

I'm just brainstorming, trying to come up with some interesting dual-classed characters...
Priest of Talos/Mage
Bounty Hunter/Fighter
Priest of Talos/Mage
Bounty Hunter/Fighter
Wizard slayer/Mage
Kensai -> Druid on the other hand can be pretty cool (if one can actually roll high enough to satisfy stat requirements), thanks to high level barkskin acting as armor, along with iron skins. pretty much the divine equivalent of kensai -> mages.
edit: spelling
A rage mage plunges into to their primal fury; a bestial rage formed from the very essence of nature itself and the thrill of the hunt. Though she may be well-learned in mystic ways, a rage mage shies away from civilization and the order it carries. The wilderness suits the destruction usually caused, and allows the freedom required for such a chaotic soul.
2. Archer/Mage - aka Arcane Archer. Imbue a fireball spell on your arrow for a self-made arrow of detontation.
3. Bounty Hunter/Shapeshifter - the hunter who's ironically infected with the disease of that he hunts.
4. Undead Hunter/Necromancer - know thy enemy. "I practice through my summons".
5. Berserker/Undead Hunter - he must hate undead so much.
6. Berserker/Thief - he hates it when he's caught in the act of the point of rage.:D
7. Berserker/Bard - he plays his tunes with so much passion and intensity I guess.
8. Barbarian/Bard - same as above. But uses native music.
9. Berserker/Monk - he tries to unlock his inner self's primal rages.
10. Wild Mage/Druid - wild magic + "the wilds" magic.
11. Wizard Slayer/Sorcerer - why am I born like this? I'm dangerous...I must be stopped. But before that, I'll kill all others like me and cleanse this world. Tss! What a lunatic!
12. Cleric/Inquisitor - by the power bested by the church, I say you're a heretic!
13. Totemic Druid/Beast Master - even in death, you shall all serve me my precious animals.
14. Jester/Monk - what an ass! He makes a fool of everyone in the monastery.
15. Jester/Assassin - he ridicules every target he kills. No respect at all.
16. Jester/Cleric - it's hard to take his preachings seriously.
17. Jester/Kensai - he seems like the serious type...but he's not!
18. Swashbuckler/Bard - Aye aye, captain! I know how to sing!
19. Cleric/Bard - homily via rhythmic tune works like a charm.
20. Cleric/Enchanter - his homily works like a "charm".
All suggested are not possible obviously and even if they are, they may not be optimum builds.;p