My deepest fear...

Sometimes I like to create a Lawful Good human male monk with red dress style. Then, in the dead of the night, I slip into the inner grounds of Candlekeep, completely naked, and slit Tethtoril's throat. I take his clothes and dispose of his corpse.
The rest of the game is spent not taking quests but travelling around Candlekeep, simply being him. I sleep in his bed. I eat his food. I walk in the same aimless pattern he did.
I also talk to his friend, Firebead. Though we maintain an air of friendly chatter, I can see the uneasiness in his eyes. The rest of the townsfolk. They know, They're watching me. Even Dreppin's cow gazes at me whenever I walk by.
I've passed more 100+ game days doing this.
I'm afraid that at some point the game will evolve a form of artificial intelligence to take place of the normal player. Sooner or later. He will come for Firebead's Identify scroll. I've kept it safe. I'll be waiting for him.
But what if he comes in the dead of the night, completely naked, and slits my throat to take my place?
An endless cycle of Tethtorils.
Millenia later, when all the characters of the game are sentient, one of the Tethtorils will stand above all, notice that this cycle is happening and that his life is set in nothing more than a computer simulation.
He will be The One.
The rest of the game is spent not taking quests but travelling around Candlekeep, simply being him. I sleep in his bed. I eat his food. I walk in the same aimless pattern he did.
I also talk to his friend, Firebead. Though we maintain an air of friendly chatter, I can see the uneasiness in his eyes. The rest of the townsfolk. They know, They're watching me. Even Dreppin's cow gazes at me whenever I walk by.
I've passed more 100+ game days doing this.
I'm afraid that at some point the game will evolve a form of artificial intelligence to take place of the normal player. Sooner or later. He will come for Firebead's Identify scroll. I've kept it safe. I'll be waiting for him.
But what if he comes in the dead of the night, completely naked, and slits my throat to take my place?
An endless cycle of Tethtorils.
Millenia later, when all the characters of the game are sentient, one of the Tethtorils will stand above all, notice that this cycle is happening and that his life is set in nothing more than a computer simulation.
He will be The One.
the jig is up.
I didn't know how to implement/adjust that last bit though ;(
You should have pretended to be killed at the end, and then have your 'killer' say the next line, and so on.