Preventing Dorn from leaving a good party

Hello I was wondering if it's possible to slap on the helm of alignment change on Dorn and in doing so preventing him from leaving a high reputation party. Either that or Shadowkeeping his alignment. Is this possible? I typically play heroic parties but Dorn seems so über cool
2. Place the statue in your inventory
3. ???
It's a legit way with no modding to turn Dorn good. From a role playing stand point your party could have tricked him into putting the helm on.
Side note, it makes it so he can't equip the Rancor. It will stay equipped, but it either deequips when you select a ranged weapon or it eventually unequips itself not sure which one.
By the time you are killing the demon knight on the top floor I would think you'd have an alternative like spider bane though.
I guess with wands of paralyze with some reloads would work at almost any level. What was your tactic?