Looking for RP group

Looking for heavy RP group to play BG:EE campaign through, preferabbly from the start.
Meaning, the whole campaign would be played in-character 100% of the time. Also, I should probably notify that all of my characters are lawful evil, always.
My timezone is GMT +2, and would likely be able to play at evenings, few days a week.
As for character, probably human, but modded to be able to multiclass to fighter/cleric (for RP reasons....)
So... anyone up for RP playthrough?
edit: Ah, also, please - no powergamers or min-maxers.
Meaning, the whole campaign would be played in-character 100% of the time. Also, I should probably notify that all of my characters are lawful evil, always.
My timezone is GMT +2, and would likely be able to play at evenings, few days a week.
As for character, probably human, but modded to be able to multiclass to fighter/cleric (for RP reasons....)
So... anyone up for RP playthrough?
edit: Ah, also, please - no powergamers or min-maxers.
As far as character goes, I may go for a Drow priest of Talos, could get alot of rp potential out of those
Or a neutral archer maybe. Lemme know if you have any preference, otherwise i'll just roll the dice...
I suppose my character would be cleric (/fighter) of Bane (as per usual for me).
I'd like to play a true neutral monk, but they have to be lawful. Idk if I may edit my alignment?
Also, I'm not sure if programs like Hamachi are required to form the connection (though its quite easy to use).
Let me know if this hits the spot for you.
Hamachi is required for the host if the correct ports isn't open. If they are, there shouldn't be any problems.
Btw just rolled a monk. Best monk roll I've ever had.
91 total :O
Idk if it is too much min-maxing? Normally I would probably dump int to minimum 11 and wis to minimum 9 and get max cha.
I'd like to have 15 con and use the tome of excise, but I imagine that that isn't an option?
As for ports, I probably don't have the correct one open, since the modem I use is so old that it doesn't have port-forwarding capabilities (I've been using hamachi).
Anyone of you have a mumble or vent server to meet up and discuss the set-out?
Is it okay to change my alignment to true neutral?
I see you are a very versatile RPer...
The bane of many faces?
And how does that make me any less versatile RPer? It didn't occur to you that perhaps from all the characters I've tried, I've enjoyed the most of the said combination (in computer RP enviroment)
And I do play my PnP very differently than I play my computer RP (different characters, different classes).