Dynamic paper doll change based on armor?

So I was about to start a Multiclass character, I had a great time until I've noticed one thing. My paper doll in inventory keeps only one "stance" and that is the one of the Warrior. What does it mean? Well I cannot wear robes and enjoy their look at the same time, I cannot wear a leather armor and have a hood as a proper thief would because the lousy warrior paper doll will not let me.
I would love to have a chance to either set permanently which look I want to use for my character or to have the automatic switch based on the armor type.
Is there a way how to do this? Is there any mod that would let me do this? Or can you implement it as a Enhanced feature? I would even pay for it as a DLC thing :]
I do understand that there may be problems with animations (shooting bows while wearing robes) or not? Maybe those animations already exist?
I do hope that someone of you will have some good information for me, I would be happy if yes.
I would love to have a chance to either set permanently which look I want to use for my character or to have the automatic switch based on the armor type.
Is there a way how to do this? Is there any mod that would let me do this? Or can you implement it as a Enhanced feature? I would even pay for it as a DLC thing :]
I do understand that there may be problems with animations (shooting bows while wearing robes) or not? Maybe those animations already exist?
I do hope that someone of you will have some good information for me, I would be happy if yes.
I would still appreciate if it would be possible to change without 3rd party app. The cheat code change ability is only temporal...
By far the most disappointing and saddest excuse for a paperdoll one can imagine.
Its solved now with the Shadowkeer though so Im happy again
I believe BG2 tweaks has its own similar component, but from my experience, it was waayyy worse than the 1PP component. Maybe it's been improved.
Avatar Morphing Script
This script allows you to select whatever PC avatar you wish for your character or any joinable NPC. Assign this script to the character whose avatar you wish to change. To change the avatar return to the game screen, ensure the party AI in on (and the game is not paused) and press 'S'. This will take you to the avatar selection screen. Once the morph is complete re-assign a combat script to the character. Please note that this component can cause slowdowns on older systems.
Change Avatar When Wearing Robes or Armor (Galactygon)
This component will change characters' avatars to a mage if they equip a robe or a fighter/thief/cleric if they equip armor. This allows a thief/mage, for example, to equip a robe and look like as if he is actually wearing one, and then equip a piece of leather armor, and look like a thief. This component will affect all items in the game, including those added by mods.
I like the script for an easy menu driven setup.
That's why the fighter/mage ends up looking like an unarmored fighter when he puts on a robe, and that's also why Aerie (a cleric/mage) looks like a mage when she puts on armor.
BTW there is currently a problem (not with BG2 Tweaks, but with I think the 1pp avatar implementation in BGEE) with robes on female elf mages (possibly other combinations too), where a number of the robes, instead of leaving one leg bare, as it should be, seem to colour the exposed leg in, so that it looks like the mage is wearing trousers under the robe, which looks really naff. Hope this is fixed soon.