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Uneven experience

I noticed that my characters are getting experience at really uneven rates. Jaheira for instance has 2300 experience in both classes while Montaron has only 600, and my main has 1600 in a single class.

Any ideas as to why the xp gain is so uneven? All the characters have been present and alive for all kills/quests.


  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,420
    They start in different places. Jaheira in particular starts almost at level two in both classes (1900ish?)

    So you've probably earned 1600 for your character since the start of the game, 1200 (halved) since you picked up Montaron and 800 (divided by two + 1900) since you picked up Jaheira.
  • HellsChickenHellsChicken Member Posts: 12
    Ah, that makes sense. Thanks!
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,420
    Happy to help!
  • OgaburanOgaburan Member Posts: 83
    You also get different xp if you are multi or dual classed.

    For example; 2 Chars, One is Cleric/Fighter and the other Fighter/Mage/Thief.
    You earn 1000xp for the party.
    That will first be divided by both chars, so 500 each.
    Then per class, so the Cleric/Fighter will get 250xp in both his classes.
    While the Fighter/Mage/Thief will get 166xp in all three classes.
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