Max HP on Normal

I was playing through on normal so I thought every character should have max hit points, and I noticed a level 4 Khalid had 52 HP (10 + 3) * 4 = 52 so that makes sense.
Kagain at level 4 has 43 HPs and I would have expected (10 +5) * 4 = 60
I got Khalid at level 1 and Kagain at level 4, so I'm assuming even on Normal HPs aren't max and are still rolled for on levels where npcs are caught up to your level upon first joining?
Kagain at level 4 has 43 HPs and I would have expected (10 +5) * 4 = 60
I got Khalid at level 1 and Kagain at level 4, so I'm assuming even on Normal HPs aren't max and are still rolled for on levels where npcs are caught up to your level upon first joining?
Every npc will have a set level, hp, proficiencies depending on your level when you first recruit them.
despite being found both late
- Tiax only has 2 HP less then the maximum for his levels (unless you manage somehow to get it with a PC level of 1 or 2 in which case he will have maximum HP).
- Yeslick always has maximum HP for his levels in BGEE (I remember he had even higher than legal maximum HP in BG1 vanilla, but that must have been fixed in BGEE)