More of Xzar and Montharon after Nashkel mines

I find Montharon and especially Xzar to be very entertaining characters and I would love to hear and read more of their dialogue but after I finish the Nashkel mines they don't seem to react at all. What was their agenda there in the first place? Is there a special quest I can trigger that will catch their interest or anything else I can do to trigger them to be more active conversation-wise?
Thanks in advance
I find Montharon and especially Xzar to be very entertaining characters and I would love to hear and read more of their dialogue but after I finish the Nashkel mines they don't seem to react at all. What was their agenda there in the first place? Is there a special quest I can trigger that will catch their interest or anything else I can do to trigger them to be more active conversation-wise?
Thanks in advance
Thanks for your reply though
EDIT: I would pay fat cash to see more voice acting by Frank Welker and an extended story of Xzar.
There is really an undignified fate for these two guys in BG2.
Xzar "and Monty" aren't joinable but show up briefly in BG2 in a silly quest where Xzar has you rescuing Monty after he has supposedly been turned into a parrot by the Harpers.
I'm not sure if the BG1NPC project mod or unfinished business has any further adventures for Xzar and Monty but as it is, they just kind of do nothing after Nashkel mines which kind of sucks.
what I do remember however, is that he mentions Xzar by name, so if one could get IE working, it should be easy to find.
also, there is a bit of dialogue you may not know about: put them in a group together with Khalid and Jaheria.
In particular only the following files are required to read dialogues:
1) baldur.ini (should be copied from "Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition")
2) dialog.tlk (should be copied from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition\Data\00766\lang\en_US" or wherever it is the desired language)
For the dialogue in the upper floor of the Sorcerous Sundries you should read NIEMAI.DLG
I don't know yet the file name for the one in the docks.
I recommend to use Infinity Explorer only to read dialogues and NearInfinity for everything else. When I tried to look at game areas with Infinity Explorer I got some nasty error messages.
the other guy is called Kolvar, he appears sometime after your return to and from Candlekeep. according to another forum, he's near the iron throne building... sadly, can't check it out, I'm running my first party without these two psychos, and they seem to have disappeared from crossroads.