Ego Page
This is somewhat similar to "Beastiary" feature request, but not quite so I thought of having a separate thread for this. Ego page can be found in the game Temple of Elemental Evil (another D&D game). Basically it is an achievement section for your playthrough hence its name "ego". From there you can find "creatures killed" (similar to "Beastiary") wherein you can find all killed enemies with some details; the difference is that it also has "most kills", "most deaths", "most critical hits", "most consecutive misses", and "most consecutive hits"...I don't have TOEE installed right now, but I think it also has "highest damage dealt". I provided a screenshot but I couldn't find ones that show the "damage" and "misc" tabs. The game TOEE implements it as a group achievement, but what do you guys think is better? Expand the individual achievement section for BG wherein currently you can find the most powerful creature slain, or make it similar to TOEE as a group achievement? Or maybe both?
Most Powerful Vanquished
Time spent with party
Favorite Spell
Favorite Weapon
Total XP value in party
% total kills in party
XP value of kills
Number of Kills
So I suppose it might be easy to just tack on a few more stats. I think I'd prefer to just expand on the existing page/setup, as you suggested.