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Are you going to miss Software Stores (Gamestop/etc)?



  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    I haven't bought an actual game at an actual software store in... well over 10 years. I have a Macintosh, and even back then, finding Mac games (that were not educational games) was hard. That's why Amazon has become my e-tailer of choice. The last game I bought at a brick and mortar store was Age of Mythology at an Apple store that is an hour and a half away from me. That's the closest one to my house, and it's in Atlantic City (yes, I live in New Jersey, and between the Parkway and Atlantic City Expressway, not to mention navigating the actual City, we're talking an hour and a half PLUS. And then there is parking, which is an incredible pain, if you don't want to park in a Casino for $$$. And then the selection is limited to mostly educational games and the selection is piss poor. And Game Stop? They gave up on selling Macintosh Games Yahrens ago. And again, the ones you find tend to be educational games that work on both PC and Mac. And that's if you're lucky. Welcome to my world. (Tardar Sauce facial expression).

  • Chaotic_GoodChaotic_Good Member Posts: 255
    With next gen consoles games are going to be linked to your gamer account, I hear so game stop will go out. I like cheap games, but at least this way congress will stay off the internet privacy bs since games sells will go up allot. I always check for used games at gamestop before I buy.
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