Until such a mod gets made, one option is to use the shadowkeeper to edit your characters race. But it would indeed help if someone did a mod for that.
Until such a mod gets made, one option is to use the shadowkeeper to edit your characters race. But it would indeed help if someone did a mod for that.
I seem to recall that Racial abilities are applied at character creation and not thereafter. 'Twould be better to make a Dwarf Fighter and change that to Paladin than the reverse.
I seem to recall that Racial abilities are applied at character creation and not thereafter. 'Twould be better to make a Dwarf Fighter and change that to Paladin than the reverse.
Well, either way depending on which you change, with changing race you need to change racial abilties, but with changing class you may need to give/remove/change abilities and/or stats to the character depending on the class.
I seem to recall that Racial abilities are applied at character creation and not thereafter. 'Twould be better to make a Dwarf Fighter and change that to Paladin than the reverse.
Well, either way depending on which you change, with changing race you need to change racial abilties, but with changing class you may need to give/remove/change abilities and/or stats to the character depending on the class.
Indeed, start your journey with your new class at level 0, removing all proficiencies, all but 1 HP, all but 15 Thief skill points and all spell slots and the game shall handle it for you, leaving you with only a -1 Hitpoint modification to do to bring you up to speed.
It's worth noting that one cannot be a non-human monk without problems, however; their paper doll and model are human only, meaning animations get awkward.
Wish I had known about the racial abilities being applied at charatercreation before. However, my elven paladin does seem to get the +1 to hit when using swords which would only leave the resistances in need to be modified, right? Can I do that using SK?
It's hardcoded. Like someone said, Using Shadowkeeper, Near Infinity or other editing tools are the only way.
If you can change it with NI, it's not hardcoded
What I'm refering is the thing we cannot simply change by editing 2DA file. It's like Barbarian HP per level. Of course one can simply edit using various editor, but what I was referring to was engine restriction in the game interface. Some are more restrictive (such as inability to create monk/sorcerer) whereas some we can simply edit (such as giving kit to multiclass characters).
It's worth noting that one cannot be a non-human monk without problems, however; their paper doll and model are human only, meaning animations get awkward.
I'll use shadowkeeper for now, thanks for that suggestions.
It's like Barbarian HP per level. Of course one can simply edit using various editor, but what I was referring to was engine restriction in the game interface. Some are more restrictive (such as inability to create monk/sorcerer) whereas some we can simply edit (such as giving kit to multiclass characters).