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Possible to move your party around the maps?

When playing the original all those years back, I recall using an editor (or something similar), that let me change the position of my party even to maps I had not yet explored. This way, it was possible to go fetch all those NPC:s that are normally not available to you early in the game. Then you simply repositioned your new party at one of the early areas and played on. Anyone remember which editor that was? Was that feature part of GateKeeper but then removed in ShadowKeeper?


  • SelabocSelaboc Member Posts: 64
    from the cheat console, use of the
    command should do it will do it, but you need to know the area code.

    lists the area codes for all the original BG areas (I assume BGEE uses the same numbers for those areas)
  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448
    Thanks, that might actually work, I didn't think of that obvious solution. Although, do you pop up in the middle of the area? The tool I was thinking about let you choose where on the area you would land as well, IIRC.
  • JustariusJustarius Member Posts: 43
    If they aren't NPC's that have a script tied to them you could always try just summoning them in directly. The likes of Quayle might be safe to grab that way (and who else would you want anyway ;))
  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448
    But then I suppose you would meet up with them later on as well? Which would be a little strange perhaps... Alora is a nice thief, if you get to put the thieving skills right. Quayle is really awesome, played right. Yeslick of course, but you have to flush his mines within ten days, or he leaves, so no being lazy if you fetch him.
  • SelabocSelaboc Member Posts: 64
    I believe it puts you in the upperleft most area of the map.
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