Where to download latest version of DragonLance Total Conversion Editor Pro (DLTCEP)?

Hi - where can I download the latest "official" version of DragonLance Total Conversion Editor Pro (DLTCEP)?
The main Gibberlings 3 site (http://www.gibberlings3.net/tools/dltcep.php) is still down and the backup mirror doesn't seem to have it:
BTW I *finally* managed to get NearInifinity working properly after following the instructions here; http://www.shsforums.net/topic/45358-nearinfinity/
It's very interesting what it reveals about the game!
The main Gibberlings 3 site (http://www.gibberlings3.net/tools/dltcep.php) is still down and the backup mirror doesn't seem to have it:
BTW I *finally* managed to get NearInifinity working properly after following the instructions here; http://www.shsforums.net/topic/45358-nearinfinity/
It's very interesting what it reveals about the game!
There are basically 4 possibilities for the files you can find in there:
1. They are left over from community mods that were implemented into the engine.
2. Rejected magical item ideas - not included in the game for creative or balance reasons
3. Developer tools to quickly test certain mechanics or to make your character powerful enough to complete sequences quickly
4. An indication of some future DLC we can expect.
What does it do?
Edit: Oh, it seems to be a older version because it is "more stable"
Actually, non of your scripted or bot-ed answers do make sense, so I guess you do actually fuck your GF today and your linux-auto-responder is bugged.
4 (in no particualar order as you comments never make sense as well) that's an indiciation of rofl-ness
It's "an unofficial game file editor/checker/browser for Infinity Engine games.
Can remove or extract files from .SAV (savegame) archives. Good if you changed an area you already visited and don't want to restart.
Can import and export TBG and IAP files
Item, spell, EFF, and creature editing, with up-to-date effect descriptions.
Dialog editing, with an additional WeiDU interface (WeiDU must be downloaded separately). Contains syntax checker and scripting help.
Script editing, using WeiDU as a compiler. Contains syntax checker and scripting help.
Graphical area editing
Table-style 2DA editor
Allows BAM, MOS and TIS files to be displayed. It can create them from BMP files. For truecolor BMP's it uses a fast octree color reduction.
VAR editing for Torment, and able to simulate this file's effects for other games
A complete dialog.tlk editor
Additional editing support for GAM, IDS, MUS, PRO, STO, VVC, WMP and CHU
Searching of ARE, CRE, DLG, EFF, ITM, PRO, BCS, SPL, STO, VVC, and CHU by fields such as resource, race, class, and so on, as appropriate
Advanced file checking of the following fileformats: ARE, BAM, CRE, DLG, EFF, GAM, ITM, PRO, BCS, SPL, STO, 2DA, VVC, WMP, CHU
BIF extraction and searching capability, and support for decompressing BIFs, CBFs and SAVs
Sound conversion: WAVC to WAV, WAV to WAVC, ACM to WAV, WAV to ACM
Special CFB file format for adding casting effects to spells"