The most powerful item in the Baldur's Gate Saga?

So which one is it? Consider the strongest version of the following items:
Edit: Looking through the comments I see I have missed one(or maybe more) very potent item which is "Staff of the Magi". Feel free to specify it in your comment.
Edit: Looking through the comments I see I have missed one(or maybe more) very potent item which is "Staff of the Magi". Feel free to specify it in your comment.
- The most powerful item in the Baldur's Gate Saga?247 votes
- Cloak of Mirroring  5.26%
- Robe of Vecna22.67%
- Crom Faeyr10.12%
- Ring of Gaxx11.74%
- Carsomyr15.38%
- Celestial Fury  4.05%
- Aslyferund Elven Chain  0.00%
- Flail of Ages12.96%
- Staff of the Ram  0.81%
- Other(specify in your comment)17.41%
Post edited by Djimmy on
I dare say you're missing Staff of the Magi on that list. Even without all the passive abilities and spelltrap, the instant invisibility from switching weapons is extremely powerful.
However, you also forgot the Staff of the Magi! If you are willing to be really abusive, reequiping for instant invisibility as many times as you like is really ridiculous.
Flail of Ages no save slow is also amazing, as is Carsomyrs dispel: weapon effects are the most important thing.
Crom Faeyr is nice and all, but strength really isn't hard to buff meaning it ends up being worth about +5 damage in reality, which is OK but not "slowing all my enemies" or "casting all my spells" or "always being invisible" good.
Staff of the Magi
(STAF11)Crom Fayer and Runehammer is a wicked dual wield couple. Give them to dwarf and let him sing his glory songs in battles!
Carsomyr +6. Aside from its bonuses, weapon protection? B!tch please.
List goes on
Staff of the ok...but it's more of a "Hey I'm a huge dick!" weapon then a true force. It's got some nice defenses...but it's limited to a certain class, and even dual/multi, there's usually better options. So while it's definitely's not a very practically powerful weapon.
Vecna is ok...but it requires IA to be worth a damn, which actually makes it one of the weaker items on the list.
Cloak of mirroring is ok...the unnerf'd version was very powerful, but only vs caster...while the nerf'd version is ok ...but only vs casters.
Crom Faeyr isn't worth the materials to craft. If it could be thrown like it's PnP version can, and had it's aoe thunderclap stun...maybe...but in it's current form, it's a weak useless item to trap noobs, that by the time you get it, you could 1 shot clay golem with any blunt weapon, there likely aren't any more trolls (which the FoA massacres in 2 hits anyway), and you've already killed the only ettin in the game (for a non-paladin, who probably already killed his extra one by that point as well).
Gaxx is's biggest advantage is not counting as a magical item, where magic armors or other jewelry are concerned. And the improved haste, gimp'd though it is, is quite nice. It's not really a game changer though.
It's hard for me to vote but I will when I look deeper into stats.
Some people prefer to keep FOA a +4 weapon even though it does 5 less damage as a result due to it making you impervious to improved haste with it's free action effect at +5.
Gram the Sword of Grief just might be an undersung are Foebane and The Axe of the Unyielding.
And it's one handed, so in your off hand you can put in Hindo's Doom, Belm, Crom Faeyr or even just a shield, because who doesn't love versatility?
Meanwhile Carsomyr is only 13-24 damage per hit against Chaotic Evil enemies, and whilst its Dispel and MR are nice, you don't have to be a Paladin or a Fighter/Thief to use the FoA, meaning you can enjoy the Flail whilst potentially handling your own immunities. Against non-evil, non-mages who are tough without needing buffs (for example Dragons, a traditional Paladin foe), Carsomyr is merely a +6 sword.
Where the Robe of Vecna is of course powerful, and I'd say has the potential for being the most powerful, it is powerful because of the Mage who wears it, not the other way around.
@ZanathKariashi - Crom Faeyr's a mediocre primary weapon, true, but it's a superlative off-hand weapon. The instant kill part is utterly irrelevant, yes, but it saves you a belt slot, it has, I believe, an unmentioned +5 electrical damage or so on top of being a +5 hammer, and it gives you a Strength better than the otherwise maximum which is 23 for an Evil Half-Orc CHARNAME; so it's an extra +3 damage on top of that, meaning it's hitting for 10-13 damage before strength and 24-27 after it, plus it's giving your Flail an extra 4 damage (and giving your non-magical main weapon in the PfMW scenario that extra kick).
Staff of the Magi is amazing, but if you resist the urge to cheese with it then it isn't gamebreaking. The Robe of Vecna overpowers you whether you like it or not.
So that leaves it 6th best I think? A damage boost just isn't good enough to really be top tier.
I like Corsomyr a lot because it has long reach, dispels magic, and grants a huge magic resistance bonus. The fact that it's Paladin only is a bonus as they get buffs to both increase damage you do with weapon and protect yourself from other harmful ailments. It seems like a winning combination. I was always envious of Keldorn and Misnc standing in the front with 2 handed swords smashing everything to bits while my swashbuckler/mage stood in the back waiting for the right time to cast a spell.
The extra attack is just that - extra, it doesn't sacrifice your normal offhand attack.
18 base +1 manual, +1 Lum, +1 Deck (21 max good), +3 Evil Hell (2 for evil, +1 for unleashing wrath) = 24 str
19 base +1 manual, +1 lum, +1 Deck (22 max good), +3 Evil Hell (2 for evil, +1 for unleashing wrath) = 25 str
F/C, R/C, Paladins, F/C/M, C/M, C/T, can all buff to 25 str naturally with DUHM (and usually hit 25 dex and con as well...and really..2nd lvl doesn't have crap for divine spells anyway). Barbarians can also hit 25 while raging, as long as they had 18 str at creation and have all possible bonuses (that a good can get).
That doesn't leave a lot of options...and in terms of damage, there's several other off-hands that would pair well with FoA for better damage, or to bring more useful effects.
Not to mention...if you're playing in a party, that's 2 REALLY good str increasing items sacrificed to get one marginally better (+5 more damage over the frost giant belt used in construction), that could've been spread around the party for better results.
It's not nearly as bad a trade if you're solo, and's still a late the time you have it, you have pretty much all the other, better weapons already.