Minimal stats - solo - no reload - insane rules - no pause challenge.

Only true gamers will play this.
Stats cannot be over 9.
Those completing with 3 in every stats will be recognized as badass true gamers.
Of course, minimum mandatory scores are allowed (ie : 13 Wis 17 Cha for a Pally, ...).
So who's in ?
Youtube videos to see you stumble and die each time would be nice ^_^
EDIt : why not adding SCS in to make this a bit more difficult ?
EDIT 2 : No potions allowed. Potions are for noobs.
Stats cannot be over 9.
Those completing with 3 in every stats will be recognized as badass true gamers.
Of course, minimum mandatory scores are allowed (ie : 13 Wis 17 Cha for a Pally, ...).
So who's in ?
Youtube videos to see you stumble and die each time would be nice ^_^
EDIt : why not adding SCS in to make this a bit more difficult ?
EDIT 2 : No potions allowed. Potions are for noobs.
Considering, this would probably work best playing a Mage/Cleric who did little beyond spam Animate Dead, Summon Monster and used wands for absolutely everything. Anything to obviate the fact that your physical chassis is extraordinarily terrible.
That and, since you can't drink healing potions, your entire healing capacity is pretty well your own cleric healing.
Got the Friendly Arm and picked up the Ring of Wizardry. Started attacking Tarnesh with the car while I pulled off a Sleep spell on him. Failed to learn any of his spells. Then went south the Beregost, my guy just doesn't have the diplomatic skills so Marl starts a fight with us. Cat doing the most damage with me flinging some darts.
Headed down the road and casted sleep on the ogrillions and finished them off. Gave Mirianne her letter. Further down the road, meet the flaming fist and insist that if he wanted to take us, he'd have to fight. I get hit, as I move ranged and the cat got badly injured. Succeeded in Sleeping the guard and killed him.
Kept going down the road and a whole bunch of hobgoblins. Casted sleep with all but one still awake. We take out the archers however the sleep spell starts to ware off, so casted another and finished them off one by one.
Reached Nashkel with no spells, and a near death cat. Instead of going into the Inn I went to the carnivel to watch the amazing oopah. A hostile ogre appears, so I let the cat kite the ogre around and around while I flung the last remaining darts I had. Used them all up so had to use the wand of missiles to finish him off. Got a level, slept and stocked up on Sleep spells.
Now ready for Neria, I go inside the Inn, start my sleep spells. All four miss with the cat taking the hits from the assassin. Thankfully the cat gets magic resistance to her spells, however I was out of spells and darts (forgot to buy some more), I used the last remaining charges of the wand but still didn't kill her.
The cat took a hit, thought it was over but he must have had a little more HP than I thought. After a lucky roll, we get the killing blow.
Got a well deserved rest and was granted a Cure Light Wounds spell which I used to heal up my faithful familiar friend. Now onto the mines to investigate. Pick up the wand of Frost and then went inside. Down to the second level, I had my cat scout ahead while I tried to avoid that miner that spawns a bunch of kobolds. Only to get trapped at a dead end, spawning the kobolds and using me a pin cushion.