I'm pretty sure the AI system in skyrim reads path not found, backward flying dragons, and you can even have a useless one as your pet. The thrill of downing the beasts with my bow as they shot at a rock I stood behind for 10m; keep in mind every game I play is on the hardest setting. Conceptually the dragons were a grand idea, but they failed in execution. The shortcuts they took when producing the game are painfully obvious, but its ok the name sells.
I played a illusion rogue for my main play through.
Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance. - Plato
You say that like you expected no bugs or "durr" moments in Skyrim lol. This is Bethesda we are talking about here, we are lucky we got a game that fricking RAN on release, never mind bug or stupidity free.
Not 100% sure about Morrowind but Oblivion and Fallout 3 were literally UNPLAYABLE on release without the release day patches that Bethesda knocked out. And all three games (four including Skyrim now) have massive Unofficial Patching projects.
These things are EXPECTED in a bethesda game by now.
But those things don't really affect overall playability and the actual gameplay mechanics which is just out and out better than any previous TES game in terms of sheer enjoyment in the doing, rather than awe over the being.
I freely and completely admit that Skyrim (like pretty much ALL games) has plenty room for improvement. And that if you mashed it together with Morrowind I would probably die of a nerdgasm. But thinking back on how hideously bad Oblivion was, how shit the storyline in Oblivion-With-Guns was, and how painful Morrowind was to actually play with its overly complicated hideously broken mechanics and useless UI; Skyrim is a joy to play in comparison.
Valkyrie Chronicles for the PS3. An odd blend of FPS and TRPG with some beautiful art. The story is a bit sappy at times (especially the obvious teenage romance bits) but overall is an excellent game.
You say that like you expected no bugs or "durr" moments in Skyrim lol. This is Bethesda we are talking about here, we are lucky we got a game that fricking RAN on release, never mind bug or stupidity free.
Yes, completely agree. Fallout: New Vegas was sooooo ridiculously bugged on release, Skyrim I didn't experience that which was nice.
But thinking back on how hideously bad Oblivion was, how shit the storyline in Oblivion-With-Guns was,
So...am I the only one who liked Fallout 3 (aka Oblivion with guns)? I treat it as a separate game from the rest of the Fallout series, though still thoroughly enjoyable and with the addition of Liam Neeson as the father (which I prefer over Matthew Perry as the guy who shoots you in the head. Not that I dislike Matthew Perry, but Liam Neeson just wins IMO.)
I don't hate Fallout 3. I just think that its hideously bad. Lol. Seriously, it isn't worth hating.
Actually thats not fair. The game play is pretty fun, and its nice to putter around in the Fallout setting in a fully 3d world. but three things killed Fallout 3 for me.
1) The game was horrifically buggy, even after multiple patches. In fact in true Bethesda fashion in patch 1.4 (Or was it 1.5) they actually completely broke VATs and never fixed it (actually BS partially fixed it). 2) The varying storylines are terrible. The Main Quest is the worst main storyline and writing I have seen in a game since "all your base are belong to us"; and the side quests? While quite a few of the side quests are fun and engaging, Bethesda's over reliance on the "no win" scenario for so so many of these quests kind of ruins what enjoyment you can draw from them. 3) While some of the NPCs in this game are interesting and fun, like Bryan Wilks (who up until that girl from The Walking Dead was probably the best portrayal of a kid npc in a game ever), a lot of the more important NPCs dialogue is just outright terrible. Example: Three Dog sez - "I can't fight so I fight the good fight with my voice on the radio!" "Intelligent" Protag sez - "Ah so! You fight the good fight with your voice on the radio!" *facepalm*
The writing in this game is actually worse than in oblivion, a game that was nearly universally panned for its sub par writing, and that is saying something.
Being someone who loves writing, and reading it is actually offensive how bad the writing in this game is. And it destroyed all respect I had for Liam Neeson, that he actually read the script for this and didn't think to say "hey guys this dialogue sucks."
The setting, fun gameplay, and sometimes engaging sidequests ALMOST make up for it. Almost.
I don't hate Fallout 3. I just think that its hideously bad. Lol. Seriously, it isn't worth hating.
Actually thats not fair. The game play is pretty fun, and its nice to putter around in the Fallout setting in a fully 3d world. but three things killed Fallout 3 for me.
1) The game was horrifically buggy, even after multiple patches. In fact in true Bethesda fashion in patch 1.4 (Or was it 1.5) they actually completely broke VATs and never fixed it (actually BS partially fixed it). 2) The varying storylines are terrible. The Main Quest is the worst main storyline and writing I have seen in a game since "all your base are belong to us"; and the side quests? While quite a few of the side quests are fun and engaging, Bethesda's over reliance on the "no win" scenario for so so many of these quests kind of ruins what enjoyment you can draw from them. 3) While some of the NPCs in this game are interesting and fun, like Bryan Wilks (who up until that girl from The Walking Dead was probably the best portrayal of a kid npc in a game ever), a lot of the more important NPCs dialogue is just outright terrible. Example: Three Dog sez - "I can't fight so I fight the good fight with my voice on the radio!" "Intelligent" Protag sez - "Ah so! You fight the good fight with your voice on the radio!" *facepalm*
The writing in this game is actually worse than in oblivion, a game that was nearly universally panned for its sub par writing, and that is saying something.
Being someone who loves writing, and reading it is actually offensive how bad the writing in this game is. And it destroyed all respect I had for Liam Neeson, that he actually read the script for this and didn't think to say "hey guys this dialogue sucks."
The setting, fun gameplay, and sometimes engaging sidequests ALMOST make up for it. Almost.
Interesting. I am glad to know your opinions, I think mine differ slightly. - Though not an opinion, I rarely experienced bugs in Fallout 3. Three bugs I can think of ever (besides the occasional crash that every game has). 1.) picking up winterized T-51B power armor finishes the in game quest to find the standard T-51B. 2.) clipping error where one point on screen has a triangle drawn to it that covers screen in partial blackness (hard to describe, and I can't screenshot since I play on Xbox). 3.) Being able to wear infinite hats while wearing the Chinese stealth suit. Cool, but totally breaks the game (10 perception with a 1 perception character by wearing 9 per-war hats). - I agree that the main story is a pretty one way railroad. Though I do like a few quests on the way: the simulation, the museum, and vault 87. - I agree that some side quests are quite awful, though I like quite a few. Also, the add-on The Pit was one of the most fun experiences I have ever had playing any video game ever, and I frequently restart Fallout 3 just to replay the Pit every way possible (not that there are many endings, but different combat styles etc.) - The dialogue isn't perfect, but there are a few characters who have excellent dialogue: the character's father, Moira, Fawkes (nearly all of the companions for that matter), and of course Mr. President John Henry Eden. Come to think of it, the only dialogue I dislike comes from 3 dog, the weird f-ed up Brotherhood they used for this game, and a few other nobodies (oh and I suppose anyone in Rivet City). Feral ghouls dialogue was spot on of course :-) - I don't know about worse than Oblivion, I think that's a matter of opinion. I thought that was pretty atrocious, and even so I enjoyed the game (but I think Fallout's is a bit better). - Liam Neeson is awesome, but not everything he does is amazing. Even if this is considered bad writing, remember that he participated in the films "Chloe" and "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace". If this is what lost your respect for him, I am surprised.
I have spent more hours on fallout 3 than any other game except: New Vegas Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Skyrim (possibly) Icewind Dale And of course Baldur's Gate series (yes even Dark Alliance 1 and 2)
I understand completely that it is not for everyone. I am the only one of my friends who enjoys it so your opinion is shared :-) (not attempting douche smiles, apologies if it seems like it as I see those sometimes)
So...am I the only one who liked Fallout 3 (aka Oblivion with guns)? I treat it as a separate game from the rest of the Fallout series, though still thoroughly enjoyable and with the addition of Liam Neeson as the father (which I prefer over Matthew Perry as the guy who shoots you in the head. Not that I dislike Matthew Perry, but Liam Neeson just wins IMO.)
No not at all, Fallout 3 is well loved. You really only get the impression that it is loathed from some of the old school forums, NMA mainly.
I also like it better than New Vegas, not that I haven't spent a lot of hours on New Vegas.
So...am I the only one who liked Fallout 3 (aka Oblivion with guns)? I treat it as a separate game from the rest of the Fallout series, though still thoroughly enjoyable and with the addition of Liam Neeson as the father (which I prefer over Matthew Perry as the guy who shoots you in the head. Not that I dislike Matthew Perry, but Liam Neeson just wins IMO.)
No not at all, Fallout 3 is well loved. You really only get the impression that it is loathed from some of the old school forums, NMA mainly.
I also like it better than New Vegas, not that I haven't spent a lot of hours on New Vegas.
I love them both for different reasons. Overall I like New Vegas's story and mechanics better, but there are certain aspects of Fallout 3 that make me squee like my sister. Such as The Pit, The Super Duper Mart, and the Fertilizer shovel.
Fallout3 is a game I love to hate or hate to love. Love the setting, characters, love the mods but hate the damn crashing as mentioned above. The game engine is garbage.
New Vegas I hated it at first before they got all of the patches. I had nothing but problems with it when it first came out. You would think they didn't have any beta testers for it. Now that it's patched and playable, its awesome.
I agree about Prez Edenbot being an awesome character, but everything Malcolm McDowell does is awesome. Even Dr Soren from that terrible Star Trek movie was great. I also agree that some of the NPCs are wonderful, like the aforementioned Bryan Wilks. It broke my heart I couldn't adopt him.
I disagree however that Father was a good character. He was a douche of the highest order, by the time he got killed by Super!Autumn I completely loathed him as a character. Seriously. When he died? I cheered. Out loud. My flatmate looked at me like id gone insane. Think about it he nearly gets you killed twice (arguably more times) because of his shortsightedness and incompetence. And when you save his life, he has the audacity to complain to you about saving his life and surviving the attempts on your life, and the game gives you ZERO options to say "but dad your stunning incompetence and lack of foresight nearly got me murdered by an overseer with a napolean complex!" I wanted him dead then, the douchekettle, but after that stunning low point in the MQ I figured it couldn't get any worse.
By george was I wrong. It got worse. Much much worse.
He spends the next few hours ordering you into dangerous situations (after telling you off for being in dangerous situations and not "STAYING SAFE YOU STUPID BOY/GIRL!"), and then behaving with such stunning incompetence and idiocy that he gets one of his dearest friends murdered FOR NO REASON, and in response to that; he attempts to do an ineffective "from hells heart I stab at thee!" moment at Super!Autumn which doesn't work because he is Super!Autumn with patented Plot Armour(tm) and has zero impact because as a villian we, and James himself, know absolutely nothing about Super!Autumn at this point. Seriously, think about it. The Enclave are at this point a largely unknown faction in the East, James has no idea who they are. They come in and say to him, "we are taking over here so we can be sure that what you are doing is completed!" sure it is threatening and worrisome, but at this point the situation isn't at critical mass, and Dad's response is to force the situation to critical mass by refusing to cooperate at all (getting Dr Janice killed) and declares "no! how dare you make me do what I was already doing! ILL KILL US ALL FIRST, RAH!" and blows everything to shit cos the Enclave threatened him into doing what he was already doing... Yeah. Thats the storyline of F3 right there.
Don't get me wrong. He would be right to be frightened and wary, but at that point his jump to suicidal hostility is both idiotic and insane. It is complete and utter nonsense.
As you can tell I have ranted about this before. Lol.
As I said though I don't hate F3. I actually enjoyed it inspite of the main part of it being horrifically bad. The setting is fun to potter about in, the side quests are great, and the game really shines in the DLC (well except for Broken Steel which is almost as poorly written as F3s MQ).
F3 was the "final nail" in the coffin of my respect for Liam Neeson lol.
New Vegas sufferred from Obsidian-Sequelitis, that was the problem.
Obsidian as they are want to do, have a great deal of grand ideas and ambition for their games, and ultimately they invariably run out of time for development and find the publisher unwilling to extend the deadline any further and have to release the game pretty much "as is" at that point.
Which is why their games are -almost- as buggy as Bethesda's own games. And why Obsidian never got their metacritic related bonus (seriously basing the bonus on the games metacritic score? how lame is that?).
Obsidian as they are want to do, have a great deal of grand ideas and ambition for their games, and ultimately they invariably run out of time for development and find the publisher unwilling to extend the deadline any further and have to release the game pretty much "as is" at that point.
Hopefully, with the lack of a publisher and any strict deadlines, their next project (funded by Kickstarter) will be successful, because it looks promising. http://eternity.obsidian.net/
Fallout3 is a game I love to hate or hate to love. Love the setting, characters, love the mods but hate the damn crashing as mentioned above. The game engine is garbage.
New Vegas I hated it at first before they got all of the patches. I had nothing but problems with it when it first came out. You would think they didn't have any beta testers for it. Now that it's patched and playable, its awesome.
I still have more problems with New Vegas crash-wise, but comparison is pretty silly since at the end of the day they both crash too damn much.
@fitscotgaymer Oh man, the Talimancers, you know some rule 34 is to be expected with something like Mass Effect, but those dudes creep me out. I also find it annoying because I like Tali a lot, and I always have disavow the obsession factor that is so commonly associated with her now.
I remember before the ending controversy took full swing there were a few people who lost their heads because Tali's de-masked portrait was based off a stock photo. I always thought that was a great example of annoying fan rage. :P
FNV must have hated my ATI graphics card in the beginning. I had to travel slow to let the area load properly otherwise it would crash constantly. I was about ready to give up on it until they started releasing patches that actually fixed the problem.
These next ones are First Person RPG's, for you kids like Skyrim. Made by fromsoftware the makers of Dark Souls. Kings field Eternal ring Shadow tower
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King's_Field_(series)#Microsoft_Windows Sword of Moonlight: King's Field Making Tool is a King's Field designing tool for the Microsoft Windows platform which was released in Japan. It lets the user construct free-standing King's Field games which may be played independently, without having Sword of Moonlight installed. It also contains a full remake of the first King’s Field game originally released on the PlayStation.[5] A fan made a full English translation available as a patch.[4]
These guys from fromsoftware are so awesome that I bought a PS3 just for demons Souls.
For what ever reason allot of good games are passed over list a few.
Too Human - may be hard to find but an epic game Divine Divinity - If you have not seen this one it's a real treat BG meets elder scrolls. Lunar - One of the best rpgs I have ever played
I actually really liked Too Human. The gameplay was kind of simplistic but the multiplayer was fun. The best part about it is the story, Beowulf meets Cyberpunk, brilliant. Too bad they were never able to make the sequel...we were left with a cliffhanger.
Games that I like that may have been looked over - America McGee's Alice, great gameplay, jump puzzles, spooky atmosphere. Daedalus Encounters, very old live action game similar to Myst, takes place on a spaceship. Seventh Guest, similar to Daedalus Encounters except in a haunted house. America's Army, one of the first modern warfare games except it promotes teamwork, tactics, strategy, and patience. Dawn of War, the best RTS I have ever played, not really popular in the US. Civilization, these are kinda popular but I don't know anybody else who plays them, the best turn based strategy game ever
If you're into really old school dungeon crawling roguelike games: Angband (based on Tolkien's literature). I have been playing Moria (Angband's predecessor) and Angband on and off for 20 years. I always go back to this game. It's so simple yet so good.
Temple of Elemental Evil - rather bad game by itself, but if you install both patches and the Circle of 8 modpack it becomes very enjoyable. I found I disliked the turn-based style at first as I was accustomed to the Infinity Engine games, but once you get used to it it's great. With the mod I rank it above Icewind Dale 2.
Final Fantasy 1 on Playstation 1 - I choose this version specifically because it fixes all of the bugs from the NES version, improves the graphics, and maintains the D&D-style system. Future versions replace the spells per day with MP.
Imperium Galactica - In my opinion competes with Civilization 2 for the best empire-building game of all time, certainly the best one taking place in space. An effort has been made to re-create the entire game in Java:
4D Stunts Driving Prince of Persia 1 Hi-Octane Lamborghini American Challenge Civilization 2 Outpost 2: Divided Destiny Dune 2000 Diablo II Super Hexagon Supaplex Euro Championship 1992 Outrun Jagged Alliance 2 Grim Fandango The Dig Gruntz! Chip's Challenge Raiden II Hunter & Hunted Gods Icewind Dale : Heart of Winter Faster Than Light Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive Hotline Miami Gothic 2 RECOIL Age of Empires 1 Princess Maker 2 and Baldur's Gate 1
I played a illusion rogue for my main play through.
Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance. - Plato
You say that like you expected no bugs or "durr" moments in Skyrim lol. This is Bethesda we are talking about here, we are lucky we got a game that fricking RAN on release, never mind bug or stupidity free.
Not 100% sure about Morrowind but Oblivion and Fallout 3 were literally UNPLAYABLE on release without the release day patches that Bethesda knocked out. And all three games (four including Skyrim now) have massive Unofficial Patching projects.
These things are EXPECTED in a bethesda game by now.
But those things don't really affect overall playability and the actual gameplay mechanics which is just out and out better than any previous TES game in terms of sheer enjoyment in the doing, rather than awe over the being.
I freely and completely admit that Skyrim (like pretty much ALL games) has plenty room for improvement. And that if you mashed it together with Morrowind I would probably die of a nerdgasm.
But thinking back on how hideously bad Oblivion was, how shit the storyline in Oblivion-With-Guns was, and how painful Morrowind was to actually play with its overly complicated hideously broken mechanics and useless UI; Skyrim is a joy to play in comparison.
I don't hate Fallout 3. I just think that its hideously bad. Lol. Seriously, it isn't worth hating.
Actually thats not fair. The game play is pretty fun, and its nice to putter around in the Fallout setting in a fully 3d world. but three things killed Fallout 3 for me.
1) The game was horrifically buggy, even after multiple patches. In fact in true Bethesda fashion in patch 1.4 (Or was it 1.5) they actually completely broke VATs and never fixed it (actually BS partially fixed it).
2) The varying storylines are terrible. The Main Quest is the worst main storyline and writing I have seen in a game since "all your base are belong to us"; and the side quests? While quite a few of the side quests are fun and engaging, Bethesda's over reliance on the "no win" scenario for so so many of these quests kind of ruins what enjoyment you can draw from them.
3) While some of the NPCs in this game are interesting and fun, like Bryan Wilks (who up until that girl from The Walking Dead was probably the best portrayal of a kid npc in a game ever), a lot of the more important NPCs dialogue is just outright terrible. Example:
Three Dog sez - "I can't fight so I fight the good fight with my voice on the radio!"
"Intelligent" Protag sez - "Ah so! You fight the good fight with your voice on the radio!"
The writing in this game is actually worse than in oblivion, a game that was nearly universally panned for its sub par writing, and that is saying something.
Being someone who loves writing, and reading it is actually offensive how bad the writing in this game is. And it destroyed all respect I had for Liam Neeson, that he actually read the script for this and didn't think to say "hey guys this dialogue sucks."
The setting, fun gameplay, and sometimes engaging sidequests ALMOST make up for it. Almost.
Dungeon Siege
HEROES OF MIGHT AND MAGIC!!!! Yeah man those 1995 graphics gets me so pumped up for larp season!
- Though not an opinion, I rarely experienced bugs in Fallout 3. Three bugs I can think of ever (besides the occasional crash that every game has). 1.) picking up winterized T-51B power armor finishes the in game quest to find the standard T-51B. 2.) clipping error where one point on screen has a triangle drawn to it that covers screen in partial blackness (hard to describe, and I can't screenshot since I play on Xbox). 3.) Being able to wear infinite hats while wearing the Chinese stealth suit. Cool, but totally breaks the game (10 perception with a 1 perception character by wearing 9 per-war hats).
- I agree that the main story is a pretty one way railroad. Though I do like a few quests on the way: the simulation, the museum, and vault 87.
- I agree that some side quests are quite awful, though I like quite a few. Also, the add-on The Pit was one of the most fun experiences I have ever had playing any video game ever, and I frequently restart Fallout 3 just to replay the Pit every way possible (not that there are many endings, but different combat styles etc.)
- The dialogue isn't perfect, but there are a few characters who have excellent dialogue: the character's father, Moira, Fawkes (nearly all of the companions for that matter), and of course Mr. President John Henry Eden. Come to think of it, the only dialogue I dislike comes from 3 dog, the weird f-ed up Brotherhood they used for this game, and a few other nobodies (oh and I suppose anyone in Rivet City). Feral ghouls dialogue was spot on of course :-)
- I don't know about worse than Oblivion, I think that's a matter of opinion. I thought that was pretty atrocious, and even so I enjoyed the game (but I think Fallout's is a bit better).
- Liam Neeson is awesome, but not everything he does is amazing. Even if this is considered bad writing, remember that he participated in the films "Chloe" and "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace". If this is what lost your respect for him, I am surprised.
I have spent more hours on fallout 3 than any other game except:
New Vegas
Heroes of Might and Magic 3
Skyrim (possibly)
Icewind Dale
And of course
Baldur's Gate series (yes even Dark Alliance 1 and 2)
I understand completely that it is not for everyone. I am the only one of my friends who enjoys it so your opinion is shared :-) (not attempting douche smiles, apologies if it seems like it as I see those sometimes)
I also like it better than New Vegas, not that I haven't spent a lot of hours on New Vegas.
New Vegas I hated it at first before they got all of the patches. I had nothing but problems with it when it first came out. You would think they didn't have any beta testers for it. Now that it's patched and playable, its awesome.
I agree about Prez Edenbot being an awesome character, but everything Malcolm McDowell does is awesome. Even Dr Soren from that terrible Star Trek movie was great.
I also agree that some of the NPCs are wonderful, like the aforementioned Bryan Wilks. It broke my heart I couldn't adopt him.
I disagree however that Father was a good character. He was a douche of the highest order, by the time he got killed by Super!Autumn I completely loathed him as a character. Seriously. When he died? I cheered. Out loud. My flatmate looked at me like id gone insane.
Think about it he nearly gets you killed twice (arguably more times) because of his shortsightedness and incompetence. And when you save his life, he has the audacity to complain to you about saving his life and surviving the attempts on your life, and the game gives you ZERO options to say "but dad your stunning incompetence and lack of foresight nearly got me murdered by an overseer with a napolean complex!"
I wanted him dead then, the douchekettle, but after that stunning low point in the MQ I figured it couldn't get any worse.
By george was I wrong. It got worse. Much much worse.
He spends the next few hours ordering you into dangerous situations (after telling you off for being in dangerous situations and not "STAYING SAFE YOU STUPID BOY/GIRL!"), and then behaving with such stunning incompetence and idiocy that he gets one of his dearest friends murdered FOR NO REASON, and in response to that; he attempts to do an ineffective "from hells heart I stab at thee!" moment at Super!Autumn which doesn't work because he is Super!Autumn with patented Plot Armour(tm) and has zero impact because as a villian we, and James himself, know absolutely nothing about Super!Autumn at this point.
Seriously, think about it.
The Enclave are at this point a largely unknown faction in the East, James has no idea who they are. They come in and say to him, "we are taking over here so we can be sure that what you are doing is completed!" sure it is threatening and worrisome, but at this point the situation isn't at critical mass, and Dad's response is to force the situation to critical mass by refusing to cooperate at all (getting Dr Janice killed) and declares "no! how dare you make me do what I was already doing! ILL KILL US ALL FIRST, RAH!" and blows everything to shit cos the Enclave threatened him into doing what he was already doing... Yeah. Thats the storyline of F3 right there.
Don't get me wrong. He would be right to be frightened and wary, but at that point his jump to suicidal hostility is both idiotic and insane. It is complete and utter nonsense.
As you can tell I have ranted about this before. Lol.
As I said though I don't hate F3. I actually enjoyed it inspite of the main part of it being horrifically bad. The setting is fun to potter about in, the side quests are great, and the game really shines in the DLC (well except for Broken Steel which is almost as poorly written as F3s MQ).
F3 was the "final nail" in the coffin of my respect for Liam Neeson lol.
The NMA crowd scare me. They are like Fallout's Talimancers. *shudder*
New Vegas sufferred from Obsidian-Sequelitis, that was the problem.
Obsidian as they are want to do, have a great deal of grand ideas and ambition for their games, and ultimately they invariably run out of time for development and find the publisher unwilling to extend the deadline any further and have to release the game pretty much "as is" at that point.
Which is why their games are -almost- as buggy as Bethesda's own games. And why Obsidian never got their metacritic related bonus (seriously basing the bonus on the games metacritic score? how lame is that?).
@fitscotgaymer Oh man, the Talimancers, you know some rule 34 is to be expected with something like Mass Effect, but those dudes creep me out. I also find it annoying because I like Tali a lot, and I always have disavow the obsession factor that is so commonly associated with her now.
I remember before the ending controversy took full swing there were a few people who lost their heads because Tali's de-masked portrait was based off a stock photo. I always thought that was a great example of annoying fan rage. :P
These next ones are First Person RPG's, for you kids like Skyrim. Made by fromsoftware the makers of Dark Souls.
Kings field
Eternal ring
Shadow tower
Sword of Moonlight: King's Field Making Tool is a King's Field designing tool for the Microsoft Windows platform which was released in Japan. It lets the user construct free-standing King's Field games which may be played independently, without having Sword of Moonlight installed. It also contains a full remake of the first King’s Field game originally released on the PlayStation.[5] A fan made a full English translation available as a patch.[4]
These guys from fromsoftware are so awesome that I bought a PS3 just for demons Souls.
You may have to use an emu to play the others
Games that I like that may have been looked over -
America McGee's Alice, great gameplay, jump puzzles, spooky atmosphere.
Daedalus Encounters, very old live action game similar to Myst, takes place on a spaceship.
Seventh Guest, similar to Daedalus Encounters except in a haunted house.
America's Army, one of the first modern warfare games except it promotes teamwork, tactics, strategy, and patience.
Dawn of War, the best RTS I have ever played, not really popular in the US.
Civilization, these are kinda popular but I don't know anybody else who plays them, the best turn based strategy game ever
Angband (based on Tolkien's literature). I have been playing Moria (Angband's predecessor) and Angband on and off for 20 years. I always go back to this game. It's so simple yet so good.
NPC mod - http://www.pocketplane.net/mambo/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=174&Itemid=122
Temple of Elemental Evil - rather bad game by itself, but if you install both patches and the Circle of 8 modpack it becomes very enjoyable. I found I disliked the turn-based style at first as I was accustomed to the Infinity Engine games, but once you get used to it it's great. With the mod I rank it above Icewind Dale 2.
Circle of 8 - http://www.moddb.com/mods/circle-of-eight-modpack
Final Fantasy 1 on Playstation 1 - I choose this version specifically because it fixes all of the bugs from the NES version, improves the graphics, and maintains the D&D-style system. Future versions replace the spells per day with MP.
This version -> http://www.amazon.com/Final-Fantasy-Origins-Remastered-Editions-Playstation/dp/B00008RUYZ
Imperium Galactica - In my opinion competes with Civilization 2 for the best empire-building game of all time, certainly the best one taking place in space. An effort has been made to re-create the entire game in Java:
Command and Conquer - I love Starcraft, but C&C is still my favorite RTS game.
Prince of Persia 1
Lamborghini American Challenge
Civilization 2
Outpost 2: Divided Destiny
Dune 2000
Diablo II
Super Hexagon
Euro Championship 1992
Jagged Alliance 2
Grim Fandango
The Dig
Chip's Challenge
Raiden II
Hunter & Hunted
Icewind Dale : Heart of Winter
Faster Than Light
Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive
Hotline Miami
Gothic 2
Age of Empires 1
Princess Maker 2
and Baldur's Gate 1