Re-recruiting Neera

Initially, I denied Neera the membership in my party, and she is now standing in the Friendly Arm Inn. When I approach her, she "has nothing to say".
Is it a bug or is it intended?
Is it a bug or is it intended?
easiest solution I can think of is enabling cheat keys and CTRL+Q-ing her into the party. try to talk to her after this, I'm pretty sure it's just a case of one of her dialogue "firing" without her actually being in the party, thus getting stuck.
I suspect she may have nothing to say becuase you didn't let her join originally - several NPCs will not give you a second chance if you turn them down the first time you meet but will let you release and rehire them once they have been in your group (provided they are not angry with you due to rep when you boot them)
I'd either cheat her in the party, or try to dire charm her to break the action she's stuck in.