Best proficiencies for a Skald?

I was wondering what would be the best proficiecies to take for a Skald? They can only put on point into two-weapon fighting, which would leave the main hand still gimped at -2, so I guess that's out. Two-handed weapons might be a good choice, as a Bard can only use bucklers and they're easy to swap with a crossbow or bow, Two-handed weapon style also gives +2 damage, double crit chance (19-20) and -2 speed for 1 pip. Also the long reach of two-handed weapons could make it safer to enter melee from the second row behind my tank(s).
Halberds could be a good choice in BGEE for the +2/+6 damage Chesley Crusher, since Bards don't get more than one attack anyway (unless hasted), and am assuming the bug with this allowing more than one attack will be fixed in the next patch. On the other hand halberds are slow, perhaps making it more difficult to get in an attack and resuming bard song quick enough for it not to drop. Quarterstaves could be another good choice, crushing damage has less penalties against most armour than piercing and slashing and not many enemies are resistant to crushing damage, they're also faster than halberds, you can get a +1 staff very early on in BGEE, a +2 one in Cloakwood and +3 one and the Staff of Striking later in the game, there are also very good ones in BG2. Two-handed swords are probably out, as I'm likely to take a Ajantis (if playing good) or Dorn (if playing evil) or Keldorn in BG2.
For a ranged weapon I'm thinking crossbows, since they don't get the elf +1 THAC0 bow bonus nor the halfling +1 THAC0 sling bonus, and can use both the crossbow of speed or the heacy crossbow of accuracy and can use the Firetooth crossbow in BG2, which is good throughout the game. If playing good aligned may give him axes later for the Azuredge Throwing Axe in BG2, which is lethal against undead, though the Neutral Evil Dust Mephit familiar is probably the better Familiar choice.
So I'm thinking either:
Level 1:
Crossbows *
Quarterstaves *
Level 4:
Two-handed Weapon Style *
Level 8:
Halberds *
Or swapping round so halberds first, then staves at level 8.
What do you reckon?
Halberds could be a good choice in BGEE for the +2/+6 damage Chesley Crusher, since Bards don't get more than one attack anyway (unless hasted), and am assuming the bug with this allowing more than one attack will be fixed in the next patch. On the other hand halberds are slow, perhaps making it more difficult to get in an attack and resuming bard song quick enough for it not to drop. Quarterstaves could be another good choice, crushing damage has less penalties against most armour than piercing and slashing and not many enemies are resistant to crushing damage, they're also faster than halberds, you can get a +1 staff very early on in BGEE, a +2 one in Cloakwood and +3 one and the Staff of Striking later in the game, there are also very good ones in BG2. Two-handed swords are probably out, as I'm likely to take a Ajantis (if playing good) or Dorn (if playing evil) or Keldorn in BG2.
For a ranged weapon I'm thinking crossbows, since they don't get the elf +1 THAC0 bow bonus nor the halfling +1 THAC0 sling bonus, and can use both the crossbow of speed or the heacy crossbow of accuracy and can use the Firetooth crossbow in BG2, which is good throughout the game. If playing good aligned may give him axes later for the Azuredge Throwing Axe in BG2, which is lethal against undead, though the Neutral Evil Dust Mephit familiar is probably the better Familiar choice.
So I'm thinking either:
Level 1:
Crossbows *
Quarterstaves *
Level 4:
Two-handed Weapon Style *
Level 8:
Halberds *
Or swapping round so halberds first, then staves at level 8.
What do you reckon?
Level 1:
Crossbows *
Scimitars * (as not many NPCs use these and you can get a +2 one in Cloakwood, and a +1 Wakizashi early-on, would also give me both piercing and slashing options, as Ninja-Tos do piercing damage)
Level 4:
Single weapon fighting * (double crit on 19-20, -1 AC) - bucklers not that good anyway, and the AC buff would be nice to help prevent being interrupted when casting, also makes it easier to swap to crossbow
Level 8 - Katanas (to prepare for using the Zerth blade in BG2)
Alternatively I could swap single weapon fighting for two-weapon fighting, could in theory have the Zerth Blade in the main hand and Belm in the off-hand for 3 attacks (2 with the main hand), but the main hand would be at -2 and the off-hand at -6! Also other NPCs could probably benefit from Belm more. I know a Blade can put more pips into two weapon fighting, but I don't want to play a Blade...
I was just thinking crossbow because there are plenty of other NPCs that use long and shortbows, a bard can't be an elf for the bow bonus and both the light crossbow of speed and the heavy crossbow of accuracy are very good. Also in BG2 the only really good bows are shortbows (Tuigan and Gesen) and crossbows (Firetooth).
If you are planning a minimal amount of melee, then yeah, prep to get Zerth and just pick the best weapon you don't want someone else in your party using; only spiders bane really offers a status effect in BG1, but guess preps you for Carsomyr one day, but its a fairly arbitrary decision if you aren't actually going to hit things.
As mentioned Halberds are VERY slow..even counting two hand style, you're looking at half the speed a staff could do, which puts it in the danger zone for being out-swung by a faster weapon (longswords, scimitars, katanas, daggers, several bows, staves, several magical weapons, some creature weapons, etc).
EDIT: If all my attacks are made whilst the Skald song is still up, would actually potentially do 5-12 x 2 (10-24) vs. 6-13!
Also why bows vs. crossbows? For the better and more widely-available ammo of the former? I'm unsure about going for Zerth, as basically prevents any ranged weapon usage until I've used the bonus spells up, but it might still be worth it
Though I'd personally just go with darts...12-18 damage per round, using plain old darts while song-twisting, 3 chances per round to get a crit or actually hit the enemy. Bombarding the enemy with hit-reactions will make it easier for your melee guys to kill the enemies without reprisal.
For Zerth: 1- Identify, 2- Invisibility/Mirror Image/ Strength, 3- invisibility 10', haste 4- Stoneskin
All spells that are a nice way to start your day: really, extra stoneskin a day alone is probably worth carrying it and swapping in/out for rest.
If you are bothering song-twisting you might want a two hander instead of dual wielding so you can micro kiting if need be; its the kind of thing I can never be bothered with though.
Only some spells disable it though, but that can't be avoided in neither case.
[and raised that melee range of the Song in BGEE as well...honestly it made it rather useless otherwise^^]
While I thought it'd be working, it's getting haywire after some time. Problem is, there ain't no check, when a round starts - and that's the point the bard song takes effect.
Might try something different, currently it lets me only check if the button (or modalstate) 'bardsong' is enabled, if I could intercept the bonus somehow it might work.
In the end I'll just use him as full-caster and leave her just doing nothing than singing otherwise, else it's too much micro-manage for me and not worth to loose the parties' bonus :P
My skalds always tend to be warhammers, axes, crossbows. That kind of thing.
I am thinking of letting my Skald use some sort of one handed/singleweaponstyle + crossbow or bow. For me not only numbers, but looks and ease of use is a bit important. I would never let my skald use a halberd for instance (doesnt feel natural for a skald). One handed Katana and crossbow might be an option for me. Or perhaps scimitar or longsword.
Id use the only +1 Katana (which isnt much), but I will probably be the only party members in both BGEE and BG2EE to use katanas.
I Like the idea of a viking bard tho, so even two handed swords might be an option as I plan to take Kivan, Yeslick and Jaheira as meleers in my next playthrough. And with the +3 Greatsword in Durlag and the spider's bane there are enough viable options.
Damnit...after seeing what the real one looks like the BG version is just so disappointing (not to mention the gimp'd two weapon thing wouldn't exist in PnP...Rogues can specialize in two weapon fighting just as good as a warrior can, and high dex can ALSO reduces the dual-wield penalty on top of that).
With belm/kundane/ect, dual wielding is absolutely the way to go for power. The only reason for you to go for something else as a bard is if its soley an emergency option for you, in which case reach weapons can allow for kiting and leave the good equipment for others.
Level 1
Crossbows or Shortbows * (maybe even Longbows, though they're not so good in BG2)
Scimitars *
Level 4
Single Weapon Style *
Level 8
Katanas * (can probably get the +1 Katana by then)
Then in BG2 go for dual wield? Mind you some of two-handed options in BG2 look quite interesting too: spears, halberds, even Bastard Swords etc., and are not often used by other NPCs