Ethnicities in the FR (human)

I'm trying to imagine the accents and appearances of different peoples of Toril. I was wondering if anyone knew what the different nations and ethnicities of Toril were like as compared to real world versions. For example, I'm aware that Chondath is based on Italy during the Renaissance, so I image Chondathans as being Italian. I understand that many may be unique or left to the imagination but it would help to know if each ethnic group had a comparable one on Earth.
Post edited by LadyRhian on
Provides a reasonable summary. The primary ethnic groups in the Western Heartlands (where Baldur's Gate 1 is set) are Chondothans and Calishites.
Edwin is Mulan, Jaheria and Khalid are Tethyrians and Minsc and Dynaheir are Rashemi.
I think roughly, Illuskans are basically Scandinavians, Calishites are Arabian, Rashemi resemble central Asians (they directly border the equivalent of the Mongolians), as do Mulan to an extent. Chondothans and Tethyrians both seem to be some type of generic European analogue. However, thats just my impression, hopefully someone better at lore will expand on that!
Bedines - kinda desert folk which primarily are found in the southern, sandy reaches of Anauroch known as the Sword.
Chultans/Tashalans - species of tall, ebony skinned humans (Tashalans=black-haired and olive skinned) native to the southern chultan peninsula (Chult, Samarach, Thindol and Tashalar).
Durpari - short dark-skinned inhabitants of Durpar, Estagund, Veldorn and Var the Golden.
Ffolk - The Ffolk are a race of humans that inhabit the Moonshae Isles alongside the Northlanders.
Gurs - Also known as “Selûne’s Children” or “the people of the highway”, the Gurs live in nomadic societies throughout the Western Heartlands, although a few have settled in some of the poorer sections of cities such as Baldur’s Gate, Elturel, and Iriaebor.
Imaskari - The Imaskari were the citizens of Imaskar, the ancient empire now swallowed by the Raurin Desert and the Plains of Purple Dust.
Lantanna - The Lantanna are humans who inhabit the isles of Lantan, Suj, and Orlil off the northwest coast of the Chultan peninsula. Known for their large green eyes, copper hair, and parchment-colored skin, the Lantanna are rarely encountered outside their native isles except aboard merchant ships.
Ulutiuns - short, dark-haired, broad-faced humans with lightbrown skin - they were actually migrants from the northern reaches of Kara-Tur, who moved westward across the polar icecap millennia before 1372 DR.
There are some more like the Tuigans, Sossrim, Shou, Shaaran, etc. etc. ..
Amn in general is more homogeneous (in say, trademeet or the Umar Hills) but Athkatla is an also an important trading port so the areas relating to that would also be quite mixed; the government district ect, not so much.
Jaheira : I feel a certain mediterranean pronunciation in her talk ("these people, these buildings...yes , that person is correct, this must be athkatla")
Rasaad: He has an authentic middle eastern accent , far stronger than khalid's.
Edwin: He sounds like an eastern european, as if he were romenian, or russian...
Anomen : It sounds almost british, but I believe it fits for a knight.
Korgan: I believe that all dwarves should have a scottish accent, seriously.