Do potion of power and master thievery effects stack?

Potion of master thievery gives +40% to pick pockets and pick locks while potion of power gives +20% to them (among many other bonuses). If I understood correctly the bonuses are only applied to the skills that have been invested additional skill points during character creation and/or level ups (base skill). So a skill that has not been "manually" invested a single point does not benefit from these potions. Correct me if I'm wrong 
Has anyone tested do these effects stack?

Has anyone tested do these effects stack?
If you don't want potions to stack you need a mod to change the rules.
You can just chug 2, 3, 4 potions of master thievery to max out thieving skills if you want. Kinda cheesy, though.
Well at least you need a thief