Party setup choices

Hey guys, Currently I'm considering the following Party Setup;
Main Character - Two Handed, Paladin, Cavalier
Tank - Ajantis
Cleric\Mage - Quayle possibly Branwen.
Thief/Mage - Imoen (will dual prob about level 6 i think)
Ranger - Kivan
The last spot I have considered taking Minsc however I am unsure, I've also cosidered Edwin for this spot. The other spot I'm not sure about at present would be the spot I have reserved for Quayle i'm also considering Branwen. I've chosen to avoid Khalid/Jaheira for this run through even though I have picked them up in the friendly arms in already. My main aim is to pick up the party while still being level 1 (max level 2) now.
The major concern i will have is ensuring i can pick all the party up without levelling up to far and with taking Minsc I will of course need to go get Dynaheir quite quickly (then leave her in a house I wont visit again). This party setup seem viable to be picked up and used from level 1-2, but what do you guys think?
Main Character - Two Handed, Paladin, Cavalier
Tank - Ajantis
Cleric\Mage - Quayle possibly Branwen.
Thief/Mage - Imoen (will dual prob about level 6 i think)
Ranger - Kivan
The last spot I have considered taking Minsc however I am unsure, I've also cosidered Edwin for this spot. The other spot I'm not sure about at present would be the spot I have reserved for Quayle i'm also considering Branwen. I've chosen to avoid Khalid/Jaheira for this run through even though I have picked them up in the friendly arms in already. My main aim is to pick up the party while still being level 1 (max level 2) now.
The major concern i will have is ensuring i can pick all the party up without levelling up to far and with taking Minsc I will of course need to go get Dynaheir quite quickly (then leave her in a house I wont visit again). This party setup seem viable to be picked up and used from level 1-2, but what do you guys think?
But my other thought was as is your point to have an extra backrow dpser in the form of Edwin possibly. Taking Edwin would add an evil member to the party however and with my main char being paladin it seemed a bit iffy from an rp point of view. Also Ajantis will attack anyone evil. Allthough you can call him off iirc.
On second thought, have you considered Rasaad or Neera? Both aren't evil and won't rush into quests. XP wise, Neera's encounter and fighting Silke to get Garrick are about the same. Neera doesn't have Edwin's spellpower, but she does bring a decent weapon and isn't all that squishy once she runs out of spells.
Neera is a definite other option too I might actually take her as It offers a new story line too. I just need to take a peek at where to pick her up from!
If you get to her with Edwin in your party, he'll threaten to leave if she joins. I don't know what happens if you approach him with Neera already in the party, but I guess if you take her along, you have no use for Edwin anyway.
I've gone with:
me - two handed Paladin - Cavalier
Ajantis - Tank
Kivan - ranged
Imoen - ranged
Neera - ranged
Branwen - utility/healer
All i need to figure out now is whether to level up branwen for sling use or warhammer as her main weapon, I'm inclined in this setup to level up sling and then just throw her into melee only when desperately needed.
Branwen with sling can still wear a shield, so if she has to go into melee, she may not do the most damage, but she also walks out with little damage. It's a waste to give a sling to a mage who couldn't wear it with a shield anyway, so I usually give the +3 sling to the cleric.
I've got the party together now and on my way to Nashkel mines, so far it feels quite a nice balance. I'll need to have a bit of a think about the exact roles each character will fulfill along with inefficiencies etc. but I think that will become more apparent as I play through, I have the basic idea of what i want from each and I am definitley enjoying this playthrough allready; Neera seems like a very good addition to the roster in terms of fulfilling the role edwin does for evil parties too, I'm quite looking forward to the wild mage aspect now too; Should be a lot of fun
Branwen with shield and a decent hammer is almost a tank, if she has enough potions or can withdraw to heal herself. (No match for Kagain, but still.) It's nice to have someone who is that versatile.