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Just where exactly IS Neb?

Doing the illithium quest in Baldur's Gate 2 once again, I got to thinking about the child-killing bastard of a gnome I had to hunt down to finally get my reward. The way everyone talks about him, he was apparently supposed to be in the first game - yet in spite of having played through that one a countless number of times, basically going through everything and doing everything, I don't remember ever encountering him.

So where is he?


  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    In Chapter 7, if you get caught by the Flaming Fist and accept being captured, you will be put in prison. In one of the nearby cells, you can find Neb.
  • simplewanderersimplewanderer Member Posts: 31
    You have to help him escape to get free, which struck me as "wrong", but couldn't find another way to escape. Clearly the Devs had the story arc in mind to finish in BG2.

    p.s. Kudos if you didn't get captured in Chapter 7 - never could manage to get in without being caught/fighting
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    He kind of help you get out of jail, but you have to help him escape too

    Actually the whole neb story arc was pretty well written.
  • DjimmyDjimmy Member Posts: 749
    He is in the jail of flaming fist compound. It is interesting that you can kill him in his cell and the game will not end. I once tried and was stuck in the prison. Is there a way to escape by your own?
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