Why cleric when you have *SPOILER* abilities? (Half Orc)

SPOILER = Bhaalspawn
I basically want to rip through the game with an evil character. I played through with a blade and Dorn just demolished most of my worries.
I want to have fun with an evil party and tear up the coast, so why play fighter/cleric when I can play a Barbarian Half Orc or Berserker Half Orc (Neutral Evil = DUHM)?
Others can buff and such but as a steamroller on legs. What am I missing that might make a F/C better for a pure powergaming experience?
Spoiler tag added. -Jalily
I basically want to rip through the game with an evil character. I played through with a blade and Dorn just demolished most of my worries.
I want to have fun with an evil party and tear up the coast, so why play fighter/cleric when I can play a Barbarian Half Orc or Berserker Half Orc (Neutral Evil = DUHM)?
Others can buff and such but as a steamroller on legs. What am I missing that might make a F/C better for a pure powergaming experience?
Spoiler tag added. -Jalily
Post edited by Jalily on
Now I basically feel dirty even touching a blackguard
You gain 9 spells + wisdom bonus extras which contain many more useful buffs than just DUHM (though you can cast that more as well!)- Armour of Faith, protection from evil, animate dead, holy smite and last but not least holy power.
At BG1 levels you will actually have more profeciency points to spend and better thac0 than a pure warrior. A F/C used properly gives up a little and gains a lot compared to a pure warrior.
True, F/C is kinda redundant...
But pure cleric kits have some neato abilities.... Seeking sword is OP at that level (+4 weapon with 3 attacks per round and with low level setting of BGEE TACH0 of fighter and cleric ain't that different), true sight is extremely useful against mirror image and storm shield + well aimed lightning in confined space (like cloak wood mine or nashkel mine means many enemies will either die or become badly injured. I've looked at spell files and it is also interesting to note that seeking sword will last for 10 rounds (60 seconds) at level 1, i.e. 1st level priest of helm uses seeking sword as if he/she is level 10...
Powergame achieved.
Though it technically doesn't matter as by the end of the saga, an evil half-orc Barb/Berserker can have a base of 25 str (the berserker is a little better, since it's rage adds +2 damage rather then +str like the barb does which is wasted as a result), innate immunity to +1 or lower weapons (the con isn't worth taking as the extra hp is pointless and the regen from it is overwrote by AotU or RoG), if you're a Barbarian, your innate damage reduction is only 5% less then max level AoF, so you end up with 80% DR (which if used with the AotU or Foebane+5 makes you virtually impervious to physical damage, and combined with other gear, you can actually heal from blunt and piercing, and are immune to missile damage), using the same gear as a F/C.
Both rages block almost every thing a cleric could (though the Barb can't block imprisonment, where as a Cleric can via spell shield).
Half-Orcs are pretty broken in BG1 (Broken = Fun) +5 to hit, +11 to damage in a Rage (19str + Rage) is just unstoppable.
There's something so empowering about being able to march into any given battle without long buff prep and see everything explode into gore.
So I say, F/C, eat your heart out, natural selection at it's finest.
also, Bhaalspawn abilities are nice and all, but... cleric DUHM has the casting time of 1, as in almost instant - bhaalspawn one takes one *round* to cast.
half-orcs btw aren't such an über race - you can reach 19 str with other characters too, and there's little difference between 19 and 20. also, there are enough strength potions in the game that Shar-Teel in my party pretty much uses 'em as mouthwash. on the other hand: no dual classing, which is very, very painful.
The STR tome is rather late in the game and potions VS. multiple rages per day with NO penalties post rage... I just wish Barb could dual and he'd be ridiculous.
19 str is nice and all, but remember 2 things: if your str is 18/50+, a single strength spell can set it to 18/00, for a long time, which is very close to 19. also, DUHM makes 18 str jump up to 19-20.
they are useful, no doubt, I just think human 'zerker dualed to cleric is somewhat better. (also, they can actually heal. a lot.)