Kivan - Worth making use of the two weapon style points by placing 2 points in a sword skill?

Hey guy's I'm just levelling Kivan up to level 2. Now I am unable to place points any further into Longbow of course as he comes with 2 already. My question simply is; Is it worth specializing in a sword skill e.g. long or wazikashi as a synergy for the two points in two weapon style fighting or should i pump the points in to crossbow just in case i get a nice crossbow drop upgrade?
I'm inclined to go the CrossBow route but am just looking for thoughts and alternatives; thanks.
I'm inclined to go the CrossBow route but am just looking for thoughts and alternatives; thanks.
I know it wastes the dual wield pips a Ranger gets for free, but I usually give him a two handed weapon for melee like Halberd or Two-handed Sword.
I would not recommend crossbow. Obviously its your choice, but crossbow is simply not terribly effective as a weapon (1 attack per round for 1d8; vs 2 attacks at 1d6 for a bow). If you were building your own character for use into BG2 I might say differently (there are some better crossbows available in BG2, and there is some value in using different types of ammo), but Kivan doesn't make the jump with you so I wouldn't bother.
1) If I'm fighting something that's only hurt by magic which I usually just have everyone surround it and beat it to a pulp.
2) If I find myself needing extra tanks.
Neither comes up too often.
You don't necessarily want to make Kivan a longbow/crossbow user (I wouldn't. I'd prefer longbow/melee weapon), but having one crossbow user in your party would be a good thing.
99% of the time he's with a bow. And don't you even think about taking his full potential away from him!
but yeah I usually dump them in longswords ^^
He'll always do more damage with a bow than he will with any melee weapon.
And I just give him the Chesley Crusher since he already has 2 points in halbreds for those rare occasions where he is forced into melee.
Unzip this into your override folder for Archer kit kivan
Won't changing your existing Kivan, but any subsequent game he will be an archer. Use SK to change your current Kivan
Again, personally, he is far to good an archer not to make use of those skills. Presently he is in my party at level 6. His THAC0 with bow is 6 and he gets 5/2 attacks per round. And with a compound bow that adds up to a lot of damage, much more than he would get if he dual wielded anything. His THAC0 with Flail (where I put my points) is 13 and 1 attack (or 13/15 with weapon in both hands). But again, there are things where a blunt weapon is called for. So why not maximize on that?
Also, due to him being a ranger (rangers get D8 for Hit points in the rule set used for BG instead of D10 for fighters), he doesn't have as many hit points as straight fighters. Believe it or not, Kalid and Jahiera both make better front liners than Kivan. Also, if you keep him in leathers, he can scout. but it makes his AC a bit less than your average front liner.
finally, there is at least one +2 Halberd in the game. so if he needs to get up close and personal, that is going to be a better bladed weapon than having to chase down points in Long Sword (for example).
The only real reason I can think of doing Swords would be if no one else in your party (including the PC) makes use of long sword. There are some good Long swords that go to waste at that point.
Also, as an Archer, he can be outdone by Coran (extra dex, I believe mastery with bows) and Khalid (Same dex, can GET Mastery in bows.) Shar-teel possibly could if you do some clever thief dual classing, but that one'll take a while. Again, Mod Kivan to an Archer kit and this is all a bunch of lies, but is otherwise true.
I believe in the original BG and Bg2 Elf bonuses weren't really implemented... or not correctly.
Add to that Kivan may have an edge if an enemy makes it past the hail of arrows to melee range (higher str and more hps) and that Kivan is available right out of Candlekeep and Coran not until chap 4.
With that in mind if I am looking for a party archer I'l take the Clint Eastwood wanna-be over the dead-beat dad every time... ;-)