Display Hit Points on Portraits?

Is there any way to display the hit point values on the character portraits? I seem to remember it being possible on the original, but I might be confusing it with BG2 or Icewind Dale or something. I can't find a setting on the iPad to do it.
There is also a cool mod that changes the portrait dynamically in a few stages showing increasing blood and cuts similar to how Planescape Torment did.
1) There are no tooltips in the iPad version because we have no ability to drag a mouse over something to get them. The HP MAY show up with the hint button but I don't remember.
2) There are no mods on the iPad version as none of the override stuff works at this point (at least as far as we know).
And as far as the red bar thing goes: Some portraits have a red tinge to them such that that red bar that fills up the portrait as a player gets damaged...isn't overly noticeable at times.