Solo divine caster viable?

Hey all, every run I've had I've always had at least two divine casters, typically jaheira and a cleric. This run I'm planning on running a ranger cleric as I never have before. I want to use some different npcs, how challenging would it be being the only divine caster? I most likely will have keldorn in bg 2 to cover dispelling
Plus as a ranger / cleric you will have access to both druid and cleric spells one one character. With a high wisdom and the ring from Mulhey, you will basically already be both a druid and a cleric wrapped into one that also hits things and has fighter thac0 and health.
on lower difficulties, it's pretty solid, on hard and insane... ehh. either you drown yourself in potions, or rest buttloads, because your healing just won't be enough.
and in BG2, with all the regen items strewn about, you won't even look at another cleric, ever.
Finally, they get Sanctuary, Sanctuary resting is amazing for a solo character, since you never risk being attacked by wandering monsters, whilst Sanctuary itself allows you to open containers and doors whilst remaining "invisible", and does so for far longer than Improved Invisibility does (and combines very nicely with Drizzt's Elven Chain based Stealthing for a Belt and Braces approach).
In my opinion, R/C is one of the best Soloers in the game, I slapped up an early game suggested activity guide here: