Well, with Sarevok having an army of doppelgangers on his side, one theory that comes in mind is one of them disguised themselves as a guard or someone allowed in without the whole special book thing and brought in the two.
If I was gonna have to give a rare book worth 1000s of gold pieces in order to get into candlekeep to kill charname, I'd pick a couple of assassins better than carbos and shank.
I always figured that they came in as the servants of a noble, or with a group of scholars. Your party of up to six gets in with just one book, and they could have taken advantage of a similar situation.
The obvious answer is that they have been inside of Candelkeep the whole time - probably the reason why they are so low level. I mean, you know - monks that keep the books probably get pretty jealous of each other and all that, so a few "locals" decided to make some coin in "helping" them out with their...problems.
If I was gonna have to give a rare book worth 1000s of gold pieces in order to get into candlekeep to kill charname, I'd pick a couple of assassins better than carbos and shank.
Well Shank and Carbos could do better if their daggers were not nerfed. They can only do max 1 dmg and I assume this so they don't one shot mages or anyone with unlucky HP rolls.
Perhaps they simply posed as any other visitor to the library, in possession of a book of sufficient value to enter. In that scenario they would likely have killed a hapless victim traveling along on the Lion's Way (to Candlekeep) from the Coast Way to get it.
Perhaps they posed as laborers for hire, with some craft skills that were in special demand at the Keep (stone mason, carpenter, cook, tanner, fletcher, or whatever.)
The obvious answer is that they have been inside of Candelkeep the whole time - probably the reason why they are so low level. I mean, you know - monks that keep the books probably get pretty jealous of each other and all that, so a few "locals" decided to make some coin in "helping" them out with their...problems.
They' re not locals. Some lady in an upper room in a tavern in Baldurs Gate actually mentions Shank & Carbos. "Good boys that hung with the wrong crowd".
I always assumed they just came in as horse handlers or somesuch for some rich noble visiting.
Haven't seen any horse handlers in Candlekeep. Where are they?
Did they come in with a Doppelganger, perhaps? (probably unaware that it was a doppelganger), or does the Doppelganger thing happen while the Main Char is adventuring around the Sword Coast?
How do the group of assasians in the cave area get past the basiliks? Some rancid xvart meat w/ a wand of sleep tucked inside?
Not grousing, mind you. BG is still the benchmark IMO.
Perhaps they posed as laborers for hire, with some craft skills that were in special demand at the Keep (stone mason, carpenter, cook, tanner, fletcher, or whatever.)
Think like an assassin, right?
I always assumed they just came in as horse handlers or somesuch for some rich noble visiting.
Did they come in with a Doppelganger, perhaps? (probably unaware that it was a doppelganger), or does the Doppelganger thing happen while the Main Char is adventuring around the Sword Coast?