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We really need potions of greater healing in this game

Once you get later in the game potions of healing become next to useless to anyone other than mages. They should make greater healing potions only available in the city perhaps... This late in the game I don't even use healing potions anymore.


  • kingthrallkingthrall Member Posts: 76
    Its True, I just wish they would introduce more bg2 items into bg1 that are appropriate (not overpowering) Like Katana +2 weapons ect for classes that dont get so many good weapons available. That said I dont ever use katana's anyway as I find it totally un-lore friendly but there is my point.
  • colonel_burgercolonel_burger Member Posts: 279
    Sword coast stratagems introduces higher level potions, as well as giving them to enemies that use them against you. Makes the game way more immersive.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    Yeah a few extra healing potions would not break the game. Maybe as loot from tougher enemies in BG city? (Provided that they don't use them up in combat, ofcourse)
  • KushuKushu Member Posts: 70
    I'm on board. Add them. I might even go so far as to put 1-2 in the early game. Just enough that you can salvage a bad situation once. But then, I'd also like to see Scrolls of Cure available at temples to help with Out of Combat repair jobs, so my opinion may not be entirely valid.

    Spoilering a bit of a pointed assessment.
    This is an issue that PnP groups contend with constantly. As long as spells are based on a "uses per day" system, the length of the adventuring day will be determined by the casters. With divine casters being the only ones to access cures, and with the strength of those cures scaling poorly in addition to being a daily resource, the length of the day will be determined by the divine casters, whom will have to cast everything they have, sleep, cast everything again, sleep again and possibly repeat one to two more times...yeah.

    This is the house that we worship. The house of "Take three days off in the middle of the dungeon to heal up"

  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    This can fairly easily be implemented. Just edit STO file using Near Infinity, for example STO0703 (sorcerous sundries) and change some item you never buy (potion of infravision) to potion of extra healing (POTN52) and change amount of them in the store to whatever number you like.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    You have to bear in mind the games healing system is balanced for normal play and not max hitpoints on level up
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited January 2013
    I had no cleric and druid in my party and had difficulty healing my members. My pc's cure light wounds ability help only so far and we have exhausted healing potions. I had to boot Rasaad (after completing his quest) for Tiax, of all clerics in the game! (Other cleric/druid npcs are too low lvl) It is sad indeed when I need to have Tiax as my dedicated healer. Sigh.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    Kushu said:

    I'm on board. Add them. I might even go so far as to put 1-2 in the early game. Just enough that you can salvage a bad situation once. But then, I'd also like to see Scrolls of Cure available at temples to help with Out of Combat repair jobs, so my opinion may not be entirely valid.

    Spoilering a bit of a pointed assessment.

    This is an issue that PnP groups contend with constantly. As long as spells are based on a "uses per day" system, the length of the adventuring day will be determined by the casters. With divine casters being the only ones to access cures, and with the strength of those cures scaling poorly in addition to being a daily resource, the length of the day will be determined by the divine casters, whom will have to cast everything they have, sleep, cast everything again, sleep again and possibly repeat one to two more times...yeah.

    This is the house that we worship. The house of "Take three days off in the middle of the dungeon to heal up"

    Totally agreed. From a roleplaying point of view, it makes no sense to take off some days in a dungeon filled with monsters just to heal yourself. There should be a better practical solution for this.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    I have to kind of agree that they aren't necessary. Playing the game into chapter 6 and most of my party members have been walking around with 5 potions of healing for EVER. I use them very rarely. I have healers and I make use of them. I also am careful and tactical in my approach to any situation. Doing that, healing shouldn't be an issue.
  • baaddarebaaddare Member Posts: 145
    i have had no issues with healing i tend to find the two heal potions sufficient along with having Jaheria as my one healer in one run through
  • ZarakinthishZarakinthish Member Posts: 214
    I've yet to use a single healing potion in my current playthrough. Then again, I'm playing a cleric who doubles as a nigh untouchable tank to draw enemy fire.
  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803

    Its True, I just wish they would introduce more bg2 items into bg1 that are appropriate (not overpowering) Like Katana +2 weapons ect for classes that dont get so many good weapons available. That said I dont ever use katana's anyway as I find it totally un-lore friendly but there is my point.

    Katana +2 are overpowered for BG1.

    remember that two-handed swords only do 1d10.
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  • Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
    Daelric said:

    Once you get later in the game potions of healing become next to useless to anyone other than mages. They should make greater healing potions only available in the city perhaps... This late in the game I don't even use healing potions anymore.

    This would make the game too easy.

    You can buy potions that give 12 pv (or 16) if I recall properly, later in the game.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    I always favored unlimited potions in the stores and temples.

    Getting the greater and other uber potions of healing into the game shouldn't be that hard. ;)
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