Armors + Rings/Cloaks of Protection etc.

Hello folks,
I just found the Plate +3 in Durlag's tower. It turned out to be useless for my party though as both my main characters AC remained lower due to wearing a field plate + the guardian ring + 2 + balduran's helmet. The same goes for Dorn with his Ankheg Plate + a Ring of the Princes.
The simple reason behind this seems to be that you cannot equip a "magical" armour with other protective magical items. I don't really understand the rule behind this though. Wearing a magical shield or helmet does not cause any problems when I try to put the armour on. Cloaks and Rings do not work however.
Could anyone briefly explain how this rule works? I've never really thought about it in my countless playthoughs of the game.
Hello folks,
I just found the Plate +3 in Durlag's tower. It turned out to be useless for my party though as both my main characters AC remained lower due to wearing a field plate + the guardian ring + 2 + balduran's helmet. The same goes for Dorn with his Ankheg Plate + a Ring of the Princes.
The simple reason behind this seems to be that you cannot equip a "magical" armour with other protective magical items. I don't really understand the rule behind this though. Wearing a magical shield or helmet does not cause any problems when I try to put the armour on. Cloaks and Rings do not work however.
Could anyone briefly explain how this rule works? I've never really thought about it in my countless playthoughs of the game.
Different types of magical protection do not stack. In PNP you can physically wear whatever you want, but only the highest plus applies. In BG it simply won't let you wear redundant protection. Magic armor and shields work together; and Bracers of Defense and Ring/Cloak of protection work together. BG even lets the Bracers work with a shield (not every DM i've played with allows that).
It's been that way since 1E.
Spells and potions are likely your best bet for lowering AC for tough battles.
I'm always torn about patching it. On the one hand, it irks me to ignore most magical armors. On the other hand, I feel like patching it messes with game balance. So for now, I'm letting myself be irked.
If I had more characters that couldn't wear armor, I probably wouldn't have this problem.
One of the nice things about a 15+ dexterity, is that does always get added in, no matter what else you're wearing.
Also the Ankheg armour was considered magical in vanilla BG1, so it wouldn't stack with cloaks/rings/amulets.
The full list of objects that do not stack together is in ITEMEXCL.2DA
The Multiple Protection Items tweak from BG2 Tweaks works on BGEE and provides two alternatives--allow unlimited stacking, or a PnP option which tries to emulate the above (you only get AC from your armor or one of your protection items).
I'm trying to learn more about item properties. Maybe you can answer this:
if the file ITEMEXCL.2DA controls whether items stack or not, what the magical flag on the armour is for?
Thanks in advance
But I just ran the math again, and I think it was working exactly as you stated. Plate+3 should be AC0, with 4 for Dex, 4 for shield, and 2 for CoD. That's my -10. But it did give you a save bonus for having that RoP+2 equipped.
If the tweak pack lets me emulate that, I'll happily install it. Thanks for the heads up.
The only current use is a sub-module of BG2-tweaks for BGEE as well: "Breakable Nonmagical Armor, Helms, and Shields"
As far as I know, that's by default in BG2 but not BGEE/tutu. If you don't have magical armor equiped at the end of that stupid dungeon, you are doing something wrong :>
But'd be nice to get it clarified. You just have to have the item in your inventory - if installed -, if you then click the pocket-icon for your character you should be able to select/activate the ring/cloak or amulet and it creates a copy with only the saving throws active. The 'old' item will be removed and vice versa. This new item can be worn with magical armor...
Only tried this option so far, the other is a bit to cheesy.
Put the +3 Plate on your main character, and move the +2 guardian ring to another character.
The +AC bonuses on armor and on rings are the same bonus so you can't stack them, but that doesn't make higher + armor useless, it frees up those rings for other people.
1) it can be used by low strength characters, but seeing as how there's 2 pieces of Ankheg plate available, you should already have this covered.
2) it frees up an equipment slot, but seeing as how there aren't nearly as many magic accessories in BG1 as there are in BG2, you'll probably have a spare slot anyways.
Overall I rarely end up using the plate +3
You should have 5 different AC 'classes' and do stack with each other, but not the same, where Dodge (or often seen as Generic) is the only exception to the non-stacking rule.
- AC
- Shield
- Natural
- Deflection (helms do that have now too - only if not specified differently)
- Dodge (afair the Dodge limit is 20...)
Natural armour does not stack ^^ Only humongous stupid stuff like elephant or bear hide or whatever it was called stack with natural armour and that is the very only exception and only for druids.
Am not quite sure, but 2.5e started already with that kind of different AC stuff...or am utterly wrong.
Edit: I Have to look on that luck bonuses stacking thing, I could have sworn they don't stack but have to check that up.
Right; I just meant that because of the sources that grant them, they're a lot like untyped bonuses (i.e. you only get untyped bonuses from specific unusual spells, class abilities, or feats).
Yes in that way I agree. Just wanted to point out the way dodge bonuses differ from untyped bonuses.
Young Ned's Knucky + 2x Tymoras Loop (farm-able, as they are in the loot-table of 7/8 named bosses) + Massive Greataxe of Flame +5 = enjoy the show!
Per PnP as far as my knowledge goes it should not stack and only the highest bonus is applied. But am not sure about 3e+. I think since the shifted system (AC+ better, Saves+ better etc.) there is a lot that suddenly became stackable. Switched to Battletech at that time
Game-engines tend to break rules or don't care about...
The only known use of 3.xe to me are games, but not tabletop anymore. And there do happen quite some unimaginable things...and a lot of stuff has dodge (items/feats...), luck does stack (feat/items/spells) and so on.
The only bonuses that stack in PnP 3.x (including Pathfinder) are Dodge, Racial, and Circumstance bonuses. Circumstance bonuses don't stack if they come from "essentially the same source", though.