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A reason to drink.

Call me crazy (and I'm being facetious) but it seems like The Black Pits might have added an interesting and highly welcomed splash of content to the original game. With less "instantly boost your party to superhuman levels via scripted XP awards" of course. It's a no brainer; one minute you're in a tavern after an excursion of kicking ass and taking names around Firewine Bridge, enjoying a mug of Evermead to celebrate your triumphs, and the next thing you know: poof, gibberlings. Set a script to randomly abduct Player Char and open up the party creation menu on the spot with good old Player Char hard wired in. No bitching about ruining the challenge by allowing your character to become overpowered, or about keeping the original title relatively pure, because I've already played the original title in its "pure" form and with the standard experience cap in place, and some new quest content apart from one dimensional NPC quests featuring a useless spell caster and an even more useless monk would be nice. Sigh...

Okay, forget Bg 1. It was an excellent and ground breaking game in its own right, but the moment the sequel launched it instantly became a fairly trivial precursor. Please, for the love of Helm, don't make BG2 EE into BG EE 2. Give us some new monster @*$%ing $#!+ to do. In fact, The Black Pits seems perfect to this end, so long as you don't pile on the gold. Tweak it back a bit, maybe balance out the encounters, and give us an actual reason to go drinking in an in-game tavern. I personally have always viewed it as a tragic oversight that players living vicariously through their in-game avatars were never given proper incentive to get those avatars sloppy, falling down drunk. A wasted opportunity to exert dubious influence over impressionable minds... despite that most of the interest in this particular title now stems from those of us in our late twenties, to thirties or even forties. Think of the children. Think of all those belonging to this lost, substantive-content deprived generation, and how you might warp their fragile little minds into something even more perverse, if such a thing were even possible. I say--nay, I truly believe from the darkest reaches of my immortal human soul and by all that is yet pure in this world, that it is. Take up this gauntlet. Think, if nothing else, of the potential for controversy here, and of all the free publicity such might provide. You owe it to the many remaing hardcore fans of this beloved title to make drinking a slightly less useless activity. You owe it to yourselves.


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,675
    edited January 2013
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • SamuelVargSamuelVarg Member Posts: 598
    And I still want one or two card and dice in-games.

    It would be a lot of fun to sit down, after bashing some gnolls and skeletons, role some dice and play cards.
  • KushuKushu Member Posts: 70
    Personally, I was hoping for a "Drunken Master" monk kit to give them bonuses when they consume heinous amounts of booze. But this is good too.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I seem to remember in some iteration of D&D I played that drinking alcohol offered some protection against psionic attacks from mindflayers.
    It might just have been a house rule though.
  • KilivitzKilivitz Member Posts: 1,459
    I bet it was a houserule. Having something like that in an official book would draw no end of angry parents and concerned mothers claiming that D&D promotes underage drinking.

    And that might end up taken a little more seriously than Jack Chick's "D&D Is Satan's Game" Extravaganza was.
  • 11302101130210 Member Posts: 381
    It would be a cool idea to add new stuff here and there related to drinking in the taverns. I had a small suggestion a little while back, and I wanted there to be more rumors in the taverns.

    But I think little D&D-esque card games would be cool. I mean, c'mon, it's D&D! I'm certain you can find a D&D card game to put in that's literally D&D and from Wizards of the Coast. And if not then something, as long as it's not an annoying card game too...

    Still, I don't see much happening with the alcohol only because what most people really want is for their companions to get smashed and start up some good ol' drunkard conversations! And to implement this only with the new NPCs.. nah.. forget about it.
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