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Help with Imoen... (possible spoilers)

So, I've been using Imoen all game. She's got a bucketload of skills in Open Locks and Find Traps, so I had her all prep and ready to go for Durlag's Tower.

Then when she did get to level 7, I decided to dual-class her to mage. She's been doing pretty well, but now I'm worried that I won't get her to level 8 before endgame... So I started scrambling in chapter 5, searching for sidequests to do, and I even did Werewolf Island. I've gotten her up to level 6, at 43645 exp points, but she's still got a long climb before 8... And I'm about ready to continue the storyline and head into chapter 6.

Is there anything else I can do to help out Imoen before I continue the plot? I still want to do Durlag's Tower before I get to the endgame, and she's my best bet when dealing with all those traps. Or, will the events of the storyline get her to level 8, and still allow me to back-travel to do Durlag's Tower?

I wouldn't know anything about the exact events that follow in the last two chapters (never played BG1, only BG2... *prepares for backlash*), so I don't necessarily want any specifics... Just some reassurance would be nice, if there is any to be had at this point.


  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    There is no "point of no return," so just keep playing. You'll probably make it.
  • the_spyderthe_spyder Member Posts: 5,018
    It is a simple function of taking the amount of XP she had as a thief and subtracting that from 161,000 (the XP Cap). Then compare it to the progression chart for Wizards. that will tell you the maximum level wizard you can reach. I had thought that, if you didn't dual by level 5-6, you were stuck, but I couldn't swear by that. Still, it should be easy to check.
  • JalilyJalily Member Posts: 4,681
    You only need 130,000 XP to be a Thief 7/Mage 8.
  • NonnahswriterNonnahswriter Member Posts: 2,520
    Jalily said:

    You only need 130,000 XP to be a Thief 7/Mage 8.

    Thanks you guys, at least I know that I won't go over the experience cap. :) Just keep playing, huh...? Well, we'll see how this goes. All else fails, I'll just pull a Golden Sun and do some serious back-tracking to Durlag's Tower in the middle of a plot point.
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