question about bows and two-handed proficiency

just wanna asked if anyone knows if two handed weapon proficiency affects longbows and shortbows critical range like it did with two handed melee weapon, just curios because in the description it says bows are twohanded weapon, so does the proficiency affects them????
Unfortunately you can't put a weapon in the off-hand even if one of these magic throwing axes is in melee mode in the main hand, though.
succinctly put: thrown bladed weapons (regular and magicaly returning) should get a proficiency and weapon style bonus or a dexterity/missile bonus but maybe not all.
1) No thrown weapon gets any weapon style bonus when in "ranged" mode and equipped as such
2) For thrown weapons that can be switched between ranged/mode and melee mode (some throwing axes in BGEE and BG2 and throwing daggers in BG2), when in "melee" mode and equipped as such they can benefit from the single weapon style (if the character has points in this and no shield equipped) or the sword and shield style (if the character has points in this and a shield *is* equipped, even a buckler)
3) Thrown weapons in "melee" mode use the Str bonus to hit, not Dex
4) Thrown weapons in "ranged" mode use the Dex bonus to hit, not Str
5) In BGEE currently the following "hurled" weapons also get the strength *damage* bonus, *even in ranged mode*: throwing axes, throwing daggers, slings (but not darts). In BG2 currently *only* throwing axes get the strength damage bonus in ranged mode (and one magic sling). I think the current system makes sense as is, apart from not being able to dual-wield with a ranged weapon in melee mode and the strength modifier for slings could be considered a little dodgy.