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Classless stronghold quest for BG2:EE?

This is one of the things I want very badly. No more bunking with a hundred other Paladins, no shack out in the woods, or a space-hopping sphere of death powered by the heart of an infernal creature (Wait. That's actually pretty damn cool.)

I'd love to have a stronghold quest added that any class could participate in and take either in addition, or instead, of their normal one.


  • AntonAnton Member, Moderator, Mobile Tester Posts: 513
    edited January 2013
    Than what's the difference with the usual quests?
  • SwordsNotWordsSwordsNotWords Member Posts: 147
    I tend to appreciate strongholds more that stay classy.
  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    Anton said:

    Than what's the difference with the usual quests?

    They could do a lot more with the stronghold without having to worry about changing every single one for starters. Put a portal or an Underdark entrance or something at the bottom for a new dungeon adventure. Make it so when you dismiss NPC's they go to the 'common room' of the new stronghold. Be in a nice, centralized location so you don't have to hike out to Umar Hills (Admittedly, several strongholds already do have this) or the Grove. Add more interactivity as you hire (rescue?) merchants, craftsmen, whatever kind of like the fighters quest. There's a ton of room they could work with so as long as it's not a , 'Hey, here's a chest. Thanks for the DLC.' deal the sky is the limit.

    And of course, the old strongholds are still capable of being ran through if you want the loot, xp, or you do want your paladin sleeping in the barracks. (Nothing wrong with that!)

  • 11302101130210 Member Posts: 381
    This sounds like an interesting idea. Maybe this is something Beamdog would consider because it definitely would add some incentive for people to purchase BGII:EE, and I think it would be a better idea if this stronghold was made as an alternative, so as to not upset any balance within the game.

    It wouldn't have to be overly complex because you can be almost deathly certain that Beamdog has constraints with certain content they can put into a game with limited resources and time.

    However, maybe it could be something small, after all, it has to feel like a "classless" alternative. Maybe running a small shop? Or perhaps starting a small caravan company? Something that Beamdog can realistically pull off.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    I thought that already existed. I always called it the Copper Coronet. :D
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  • PeteAtomsPeteAtoms Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 140
    I think it would be best for any new stronghold to be designed w/out shoehorning it into a class in the first place.

    Just come up with a cool stronghold without the compulsion to categorize it somehow. I just see it as unnecessary.

    The Copper Coronet was definitely a good suggestion :)
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