what is your final battle strategy? - spoilers

It'd been about 5 years since I played the final battle for this game and I it seems that EE has tweaked the AI scripts from the vanilla game. It's still not as hard as SCS's version, but it does seem more challenging than I remember it from vanilla. Sarevok and company come at you hard, and it took me a while to figure out how to divide and conquer.
I'm not sure how this can be won without a little cheese. I'm curious how others did it, and whether anyone was able to beat this in a no-cheese tactical approach.
Here is the strategy I used:
Half-elven F/M
Imoen (Thief)
I kept the party back by the entrance, and slowly and carefully sent my multi F/M to the dais protected with a scroll of Protection from Magic. I inched up on the right side and drew the first barrage of spells from Semaj, without revealing any of the other enemies from the fog of war. Semaj casts a Contingency that is of course to no effect. And then the character gets hit with Web and Stinking Cloud, which also do nothing. I just waited for the spell effects to run out.
At this stage Semaj is still neutral (blue circle under him) I guess in order to initiate dialog. From a RP vantage, he's obviously behaving hostilely though.
Next I had the PC head back to the rest of the party near the entrance. I positioned Immy, Neera, and Rasaad to the far left, back by the wall. And I positioned the PC and Dorn to the middle right side in the rear. I had the PC consume a potion of clarity, and Dorn used the Greenstone amulet to protect against Semaj casting Chaos. I also had the PC and Dorn consume a number of buffing potions.
Then I had Viconia cast Sanctuary. (It's best if she has a couple castings of this spell memorized.) She approached the dais and initiated the conversation with Sarevok (responding 'you're nuts for trying to resurrect a dead god', etc.). Thereupon the enemies officially turn hostile. I kept Viconia parked there near the dias, safe within Sanctuary.
Semaj then dimension doors to the party back at the entrance. It might just be him alone, or sometimes Tazok will walk to the back from the dais as well and join the fight.
Just the two of them aren't that difficult to defeat. Spellthrust a few times versus Semaj. Blind versus Tazok. After they were defeated I brought Viconia back from near the dais to join the rest of the party.
At this point you can have a character return to the dais from the right side and draw Sarevok back to the party, where he can be beaten down. This of course with a relatively strong melee capability in your party. (Did they reduce Sarevok's MR from the vanilla game? Because I noticed that he was at least taking damage from Neera's Magic Missiles. Edit: for that matter Spellthrust works against him too.)
You can also have the PC return to the dais on the lefthand side, and, approaching carefully, draw just Angelo back to the party. I had Angelo use up a Dispel on the PC, that gets through the Protection from Magic. Angelo casts Tatoo of Power several times. But it's usually not enough to kill everyone. Also, if you have some fire resistance potions/cleric scrolls it's good to use them beforehand. I had my PC drink a potion of fire resistance right after the Dispel, and he drew Angelo all the way to the back right. The explosions didn't harm him much, and he kept the rest of the away from the blasts. Neera cast her last Spellthrust on him.
Then after dispatching Angelo you can approach Sarevok and bring him back to the party to finish him off.
But anyway, I'm curious as to how others go about this. Looking forward to reading your strategies.
I'm not sure how this can be won without a little cheese. I'm curious how others did it, and whether anyone was able to beat this in a no-cheese tactical approach.
Here is the strategy I used:
Half-elven F/M
Imoen (Thief)
I kept the party back by the entrance, and slowly and carefully sent my multi F/M to the dais protected with a scroll of Protection from Magic. I inched up on the right side and drew the first barrage of spells from Semaj, without revealing any of the other enemies from the fog of war. Semaj casts a Contingency that is of course to no effect. And then the character gets hit with Web and Stinking Cloud, which also do nothing. I just waited for the spell effects to run out.
At this stage Semaj is still neutral (blue circle under him) I guess in order to initiate dialog. From a RP vantage, he's obviously behaving hostilely though.
Next I had the PC head back to the rest of the party near the entrance. I positioned Immy, Neera, and Rasaad to the far left, back by the wall. And I positioned the PC and Dorn to the middle right side in the rear. I had the PC consume a potion of clarity, and Dorn used the Greenstone amulet to protect against Semaj casting Chaos. I also had the PC and Dorn consume a number of buffing potions.
Then I had Viconia cast Sanctuary. (It's best if she has a couple castings of this spell memorized.) She approached the dais and initiated the conversation with Sarevok (responding 'you're nuts for trying to resurrect a dead god', etc.). Thereupon the enemies officially turn hostile. I kept Viconia parked there near the dias, safe within Sanctuary.
Semaj then dimension doors to the party back at the entrance. It might just be him alone, or sometimes Tazok will walk to the back from the dais as well and join the fight.
Just the two of them aren't that difficult to defeat. Spellthrust a few times versus Semaj. Blind versus Tazok. After they were defeated I brought Viconia back from near the dais to join the rest of the party.
At this point you can have a character return to the dais from the right side and draw Sarevok back to the party, where he can be beaten down. This of course with a relatively strong melee capability in your party. (Did they reduce Sarevok's MR from the vanilla game? Because I noticed that he was at least taking damage from Neera's Magic Missiles. Edit: for that matter Spellthrust works against him too.)
You can also have the PC return to the dais on the lefthand side, and, approaching carefully, draw just Angelo back to the party. I had Angelo use up a Dispel on the PC, that gets through the Protection from Magic. Angelo casts Tatoo of Power several times. But it's usually not enough to kill everyone. Also, if you have some fire resistance potions/cleric scrolls it's good to use them beforehand. I had my PC drink a potion of fire resistance right after the Dispel, and he drew Angelo all the way to the back right. The explosions didn't harm him much, and he kept the rest of the away from the blasts. Neera cast her last Spellthrust on him.
Then after dispatching Angelo you can approach Sarevok and bring him back to the party to finish him off.
But anyway, I'm curious as to how others go about this. Looking forward to reading your strategies.
Post edited by Lemernis on
backstab Sarevok, run around the column, hide, back and backstab again and again.
Same as you with these différences ^^ :
- Disarm disarmable traps in the room until half way through it.
- three cloudkills are sent in all the back of the room, then my mages retreat.
- Semaj, Angelo and Tazok are welcomed with magical arrows and dispell (every evil man shall die).
- I keep Sarevok busy until all of his buddies are down (Tazok is weak).
- I put Sarevok down.
Semaj and Tazok are easy as well. The only difficulty in the final fight is Angelo. He rarely gets paralyzed, he is immune to normal weapons, fireballs/cloudkill do little damage against him and summons are useless due to his area of effect damage
Eventually I want to try trying Sarevok up with summons and using Spellthrust, Blind, Slow, and Ray of Enfeeblement on him.
Like @Wilbur I cannot accept a fatality. (Obviously I don't play no no-reload!)
Dorn usually gets the killing blow in. I reloaded many times from a save where only Sarevok is left to make sure that the main character got the kill.
My F/C hit Sarevok with a few Doom spells and someone casted Web on my F/C. Sarevok ran to my F/C, got entangled and then quickly had his skull bashed in from three fighters. It was very anti-climatic =/
My strategy is buff up with everything I got, send one or two backstabers in to get ready, if I have a bard, I use him to kite while singing, then nuke down Semaj, Angelo, Tazok and lastly Sarevok.
I prefer to fight them all at once, since anything else just seems kind of cheesy and unrealistic. "I can see and hear my henchmen dying, one by one, but I can't quite see the enemy. Oh well."
To end... Like this?
I played it straight from an RP perspective 1st time through, just to rekindle that old feeling of all hell breaking loose.
CHARNAME, Dorn, Shar-Teel, Imoen, Yeslick, Neera. Charname was a fighter 7/Druid 9
So I prebuffed and drank basically an entire case of potions and literally just charged in. It got pretty ugly, but I beat it first time. I didn't have enough free action for everyone, so Imoen and Neera ended up getting webbed and Angelo'd. Shar-Teel was great, I used her to kill Tazok with a backstab and engage angelo. Since Semaj teleported away, I sent Yeslick and Dorn to take care of him, and Charname was able to kill Sarevok. Dual wielding scimitars and with Ironskins going, not to mentioning chuggin heals every round.
Neera, Imoen, and Shar-Teel fell in battle, but no one got chunked, so I consider that a victory.
One thing that I didn't like and forced a reload is that I initially sent in Shar-Teel to scout with her Cloak of Non-Detection and Sarevok automatically knew she was there and started speaking. Didn't attack though. This causes Semaj to teleport to the front of the room, where he was just shredded by my party. It felt cheesy, so I reloaded.
"Shouldn't we stay together so we have the best changes of surviving (or in this case beating a punch goody two shoe looser)?"
"No definitely not. We should all go our separate ways one by one. You should wait here until you hear my gut wrencing scream."
Back in the vanilla game with Sarevok's magic resistance, I don't think this was possible. I guess BGT modifies that MR. It's been so long since I played I can't recall.
2nd - Send a fire protected close combat fighter against Angelo .You'll probalby stay there with him for a while.
3rd - While one of your fighters strikes at Angelo , everyone else attacks Tazok (they're all immune to fire in the final battle, mind you).
4th - Now you got Sarevok left. Have someone engage him in combat, as a bait, then have this person keep a short distance from him. His attacks cause lots of damage, so avoid close combat. Strike him with all your ranged weapons, magic missiles, elemental damage (except fire) , disabling spells... and voila!