How much open locks and find traps skill do you need?

Being a powergamer I wouldn't want to waste skill points where I don't need them. How many skill points do you need to open every lock and find/disarm every trap in BG:EE? I would also want to know how much approximately you need to open like 90% of them as I can always use knock spell and potions that increase thieving skills to take care of the most difficult ones. I also don't want to set off traps that can be disarmed (so no mirror image etc will do).
I have no idea what skill levels my thief had the last time I played BG1 as it was years ago.
I would really appreciate some help.
I have no idea what skill levels my thief had the last time I played BG1 as it was years ago.
I would really appreciate some help.
This place is frigging filled with dangerous traps. If you don't detect them fast enough, they can annihilate your whole party in a few seconds.
Better having 100 in detect / disarm traps, than having to drink thousands of potions IMHO.
Best solution, if you plan to have two characters with thief skills is to specialize them.
For instance, Imoen is set to 100% detect traps before dualing to mage.
Coran gets the open locks + move silently/hide in shadows proficiencies.
I'll dual Imoen at level 6 so she'll still be able to cast level 5 mage spells.
This will allow her to regain her thief levels faster, because dualing at 6 (I have done this in my last playthrough) would mean that she'll only get her thief level at the near end of the game (you'll really have to postpone your Durlag tower's exploration until she's able to detect them again).
Durlag's Altar trap with Tome of Wisdom - Dire Charm
The other I recall I've never actually tripped, so I don't know what it does, though it's on the first level of Durlag's dungeon.
outside of Durlag's Tower, I don't think I've ran into any trap requiring more than 70-80 points.
Ok, so basically you can manage Durlag's with 80 find traps if you use a couple of potions, but with a 100 skill you shouldn't need potions at all.
I also wound up at roughly 90 Trap Disarm skill, and had no problem with Durlag's Tower. This seems like a good level to get to, since you'll be able to detect everything and drink a potion to disarm the stuff that 90 isn't good enough for. If you only go to 80 and don't have metagame knowledge of the traps you'll be encountering, you could possibly run out of Perception potions unless you liberally reload.
In trap ridden areas, I like to cast invisibility on my thief. Turn off her AI. No armor, just a cloak of non-detection. Then just run through everything ahead, detecting and disarming all the traps I can...
Also having a find traps skill of 100 and wearing a studded leather (-10) would give me 90 find traps and I wouldn't really have to remove the armor. Hmm..
For trap, the most difficult one is located in Thieves' Guild with both detection and removal difficulty of 100. The next one seems located at Durlag's Dungeon level 5 with removal difficulty of 95 (but with detection difficult of 15).
Most other traps and locks have difficulty between 40-80.
So... max open lock of 95 and detect trap of 100 if you wish to absolutely open any lock and disarm any trap. If you want to spend thieving skills elsewhere, keeping them both at 60 and using potion of master thievery will get you everywhere. Getting both skills to 80 will drastically reduce need of the potion except for a few locks and traps.
Hope this helps.
btw where/how did you find the values for the traps/locks?
At character generation in the find traps skill description it says "A character uses this ability to find and disarm small traps, pit traps and alarms. This ability does not find large mechanical traps."
I used NI and browsed through a few maps (like Thieves' guild, Silvershield's home, TOSC area, Chapter 7 area etc) that I believe would have difficult locks/traps. Map files (ARE) contain info regarding containers and traps.
Hmmm... Sounds like the skill value needs to be more than difficulty...