Kangaxx for baldur's gate 3 final boss or bonus boss again?

NOT made by me ---> Kangaxx Deviant fanart
Well think about it. He seems like one of those dropped or unfinished quests that just ended up being there unfinished. Battling two lich guardians guarding demi-lich body parts (that are made of gold no less) underneath (that's just 2 floors down at the most) a highly populated magic hating city just doesn't make sense for it to just "be there". The only reason why I mention Kangaxx in particular is because he was for many of us, the most memorable fight in the game and he's a demi-lich which last time I checked, were the most powerful creatures in DnD excluding deities themselves. He also has no backstory which means one can be made for baldur's gate 3 if it ever gets made. Also, liches (and demi-liches too right?) have phylacteries that to our knowledge, were not destroyed along with Kangaxx or any other of the liches (lets not forget the nameless demi-lich found in watchers keep). So with that in mind, it would be reasonable to assume that they would come back for round two. I know a smart lich would rather just let old age kill their enemy, but when your enemy happens to be the descendent of a deity, you only get one chance to absorb that powerful soul for yourself (or somehow call it back through a spark like how Sarevok resurrected himself from you). And even if you are/were just another ordinary mortal, you still have A LOT of extremely powerful magical gear and items all conveniently placed inside a bag of holding (is the big metal unit among all of it?). I don't know about the rest of you, but I would think a lich would take aggressive action (during CHARNAME'S sleep perhaps) to get all that stuff. What do the rest of you think?
Well think about it. He seems like one of those dropped or unfinished quests that just ended up being there unfinished. Battling two lich guardians guarding demi-lich body parts (that are made of gold no less) underneath (that's just 2 floors down at the most) a highly populated magic hating city just doesn't make sense for it to just "be there". The only reason why I mention Kangaxx in particular is because he was for many of us, the most memorable fight in the game and he's a demi-lich which last time I checked, were the most powerful creatures in DnD excluding deities themselves. He also has no backstory which means one can be made for baldur's gate 3 if it ever gets made. Also, liches (and demi-liches too right?) have phylacteries that to our knowledge, were not destroyed along with Kangaxx or any other of the liches (lets not forget the nameless demi-lich found in watchers keep). So with that in mind, it would be reasonable to assume that they would come back for round two. I know a smart lich would rather just let old age kill their enemy, but when your enemy happens to be the descendent of a deity, you only get one chance to absorb that powerful soul for yourself (or somehow call it back through a spark like how Sarevok resurrected himself from you). And even if you are/were just another ordinary mortal, you still have A LOT of extremely powerful magical gear and items all conveniently placed inside a bag of holding (is the big metal unit among all of it?). I don't know about the rest of you, but I would think a lich would take aggressive action (during CHARNAME'S sleep perhaps) to get all that stuff. What do the rest of you think?
I concur.