Need advice on reforming party
Hi guys, I call once again on your wisdom so that I can solve a situation in my party.
Right now my party is composed of my main, a warrior; Dorn; Neera; Imoen; Edwin and Yeslik. I have cleared the Cloakwood mines and am just about to flow them. Problem is, when I flow the mines, Dorn and Edwin walk away. Yeslik pushes me to flood the mines and I sincerely don't remember if he'll remain in the party whether or not I flow them, but I suppose he'll leave if I don't. My reputation is at 18 atm and after flooding the mines it increases to 20, prompting Dorn and Edwin to leave. Provided that Dorn I can likely re-recruit at the Friendly Arm inn (even with a rep of 20? need info on this), Edwin leaves and I don't think I can get him back. I tried killing Edwin and kicking Dorn out, but after flooding the mines, when I go and resuscitate Edwin, he just leaves.
I tried Viconia as a cleric, but she's just too weak for my play style and I prefer Yeslik in any case. I have no idea where Viconia is right now, because I left her in the mines as soon as I met Yeslik.
I could recruit Ajantis to serve as backup muscles, but I kinda like the Dorn guy and would also like to complete his quest in Baldur's Gate.
The way I see it, there are three possible scenarios:
1) I kick Dorn and Edwin, get Ajantis and continue with a 5 man party;
2) I kick Yeslik, get Branwen (she's still turned into stone, but she's also not half as decent as Yeslik) and continue this way without flooding the mines;
3) I kill someone that allows my reputation to drop a notch or two, just enough so that when I flow the mines it doesn't reach 20. In this case, though, I would likely still have the same problem once I reach BG. I'm kind of a do-gooder...
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Right now my party is composed of my main, a warrior; Dorn; Neera; Imoen; Edwin and Yeslik. I have cleared the Cloakwood mines and am just about to flow them. Problem is, when I flow the mines, Dorn and Edwin walk away. Yeslik pushes me to flood the mines and I sincerely don't remember if he'll remain in the party whether or not I flow them, but I suppose he'll leave if I don't. My reputation is at 18 atm and after flooding the mines it increases to 20, prompting Dorn and Edwin to leave. Provided that Dorn I can likely re-recruit at the Friendly Arm inn (even with a rep of 20? need info on this), Edwin leaves and I don't think I can get him back. I tried killing Edwin and kicking Dorn out, but after flooding the mines, when I go and resuscitate Edwin, he just leaves.
I tried Viconia as a cleric, but she's just too weak for my play style and I prefer Yeslik in any case. I have no idea where Viconia is right now, because I left her in the mines as soon as I met Yeslik.
I could recruit Ajantis to serve as backup muscles, but I kinda like the Dorn guy and would also like to complete his quest in Baldur's Gate.
The way I see it, there are three possible scenarios:
1) I kick Dorn and Edwin, get Ajantis and continue with a 5 man party;
2) I kick Yeslik, get Branwen (she's still turned into stone, but she's also not half as decent as Yeslik) and continue this way without flooding the mines;
3) I kill someone that allows my reputation to drop a notch or two, just enough so that when I flow the mines it doesn't reach 20. In this case, though, I would likely still have the same problem once I reach BG. I'm kind of a do-gooder...
Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Oh and if you switched the clerics, Viconia should be where you picked up Yeslick; 2nd (?) level.
Just to warn you though, I think the higher your rep is, the harder it is hit when you kill someone that gives you a rep drop.
But the real answer to these problems are that you really have to micro-manage your reputation when playing Evil. You shouldn't be letting the rep get up to anything close to 18.
But this has always been my problem with 'Evil' in Baldur's gate games. In order to play evil you really have to meta-game. And you have to come up with increasingly ridiculous reasoning why you are acting a certain way, just to keep your evil members (or the good ones) happy. and if you aren't really careful, you end up out in the cold with no way to restock or get quests.
Yeah, it can be done. but I'd be surprised if it can be done without meta-gaming. Which maybe doesn't bother some players. And that's fine. Yeah, be careful about 'Accidental' deaths in Baldur's gate. They take a very dim view of that. (-10 reputation PER instance. At least at high reputation that is).
As for the rep hit that you take, it must scale based on your current rep level. When my rep was 10, I got -2 for killing him. When I ganked someone in BG with a rep of 20, I got -10. So it might be the higher your rep, the worse the penalty. I guess I was figuring that, because you were in a big city, the penalty was worse. But that may not have been the defining factor. In that case, having Viconia back might be your only choice till your rep is manageable. Which just makes the whole thing that much worse. But then again, even if that is the case, taking a -8/9 for one death will solve your problem quite nicely. And the loon is alone, so you don't have to worry about it stacking with collateral damage of other bystanders having to be killed as well.
You can also have Neera practice Nahal's Reckless Dweomer (using that to try to shape a spell like Clairvoyance) with just one commoner visible within eyesight range, and eventually she'll cast a fireball or summon a demon or something untoward that will kill that innocent. Although that can be a bit tedious and time consuming to get the desired result.
Another thing to lower rep without being outright evil is you could click on a certain gravestone in Nashkell and there will probably be some civilian deaths resulting from what follows.
When playing with a mixed alignment party either avoid all the rep + 1 quests, or if you do some at least don't speak to the quest-giver after doing them.
Roleplay-wise, it's certainly more difficult with Dorn and Edwin because they aren't chaotic. Xzar, on the other hand... I don't know, that guy is just crazy, suddenly starts yelling about a dragon with rabbit feet and attacks random commoners... RP-reason to manage rep via temple donations - I only do that if my PC is a cleric. He pays respect to the temple that raised his dead group members, regardless of deity. Being a Priest of Talos and hence chaotic usually works well enough.
Killing a commoner without failed pickpocket at rep 16 drops me to 11 or 10, so if I turn in a + 1 rep quest right after, I'm still far from turning entire cities hostile. To make up for the price increase... cast sleep or charm in houses while robbing them. Gets me an average of 14 rep throughout the game, ok-though-not-stellar prices and keeps my party happy. (All evil except Branwen, and she doesn't complain either way. Too distracted by Eldoth inviding her to dinner.)
Edit: just did what I was describing before: killed the miner as soon as he gave me the reward (I dumped Edwin before speaking to the miner). My rep passed from 20 to 10, Dorn confronted me, but since I managed to kill the miner before he talked to me, he gave me the option whether to remain in the party or not. I then re-recruited Edwin back in the party. Now everyone is happy, and I'm sitting at reputation 10. Thanks guys, problem solved, at least for now...