Will a Wizard Slayer with Full Plate +5 and a Large Shield +5 get shredded in TOB anyway?

Just wondering if it's worth taking a shield or if it would be wiser to throw caution to the wind and dual wield for an additional miscast stack per round.
Unless you are going to dual to Thief.
And even then I still think Kensai / Thief comes out on top of Wizard Slayer / Thief.
they can also kill someone in 3 hits on insane. and have about 250 hit points.
there are rooms with 8 of them at the same time.
long story short, unless you're hiding behind a wall of summons and carrying an artillery rivaling about a dozen apache helicopters, *they will fuck you up.*
though they tend to put down a lot of hurt on anybody. Except an FMT. An FMT has protection from magic weapons AND time traps.
okay, they won't hurt anybody majorly who can stop time or become immune to their weapons, but you get my point.
btw feel free to dual wield, the shield is pretty solid (aka next to no difference) even without any points in it when you need it.
Good, Solo, Wizard slayers are really the only time I've been able to justify making Crom Faeyr...Evil can hit 24 or 25 natural strength if they're imported with a base str of 18 or 19. But good caps out at 21 or 22..the 25 str is actually good improvement (40 more damage under GWW vs 22 str, or 50 vs 21), and since you're going to have to use GWW anyway, Crom ensures none of your 10 attacks are wasted. I usually go with FoA as my go to MH, since it's without contest the highest damage 1 hand weapon (assuming GM Flails and Hammers, FoA+5 + Crom Faeyr, under GWW, a projected 323-396 damage per round, and given the thac0 you're rocking by that point, you basically have to roll a 3 or less to miss the 4 highest AC (-10) enemies in the game (not counting Drizzt, who is -14 vs blunt).
If you're running with a party, then your gear doesn't matter at all...as long as your weapons can damage the enemy, you can kill them naked with no problems at all if the mood strikes you.
Best Plate in BG2/TOB: Base -2 AC (plate +5, full plate +3)
21 Dex gives -5 AC: (would have to be an elf or halfling)
Best shields in BG2/TOB: -5 AC
Final AC: -12 (@Djimmy was right)
So with an AC of -12 and an enemy THAC0 of -4, they would need to roll... 8? And without the shield, they'd need to roll a 3. So it does help. It's not like they can hit you on a 2 with or without the shield, as is often the case in DDO.
I'm not saying the shield is a good idea, I'm just saying it at least would function.
EDIT: Evil characters can get an additional innate -2 to AC at the end of BG2.
basically, by ToB, AC is not the most ideal form of defense - it works like a charm in BG1 and even in BG2, but by late game, unless you have other protections (damage resistance, stoneskin/ironskins/mirror image), you'll get hit quite a lot.
I know there is lots of status effect immunity gear, which is what I've used in the past.
I do understand that this class has some serious shortcomings, but I'm still drawn by the challenge of how to optimize it. I've never played one, but I'm thinking about it for my next run...
I hear what folks are saying when they point out that if a Fighter gets in 10 hits on a mage, the wizard will be dead anyway! But with the enemy's various spell protections does it actually work out that way? At least with the higher level opponents, I mean. In many cases you can hit, yes--but you're also having to whittle your way through various buffs before you begin doing damage. It seems to me that in such cases the WS adds the bonus of spell failure for such opponents. I love that idea.
Maybe this kit makes more sense for the SCS and SCSII mods, assuming that there the enemy mages use smarter buffs.
I do understand that a Berserker and Kensai are superior. But best I can tell, a WS does offer something above and beyond vanilla for high level (well buffed) opponents.
There are such powerful ways to debuff enemy's with magic that you'll be more effective with the combo savvy spellcasting and the more powerful warrior classes and kits. But the game doesn't always have to be about simply how to be the most devastating and uber. It still sounds like a fun and interesting challenge to see how the game plays with this kit. To me anyway. Guess I'll find out eventually.
I think max AC from equipment caps at -20 and the additional Dex bonus is -6 for a total of -26.
-drink potion of mind focusing to get 25 Dex (abundant in churches)
-white dragon armor (set AC to -2)
-best defensive shield (-5 AC bonus)
-2 Kangaxx rings (-4 AC bonus)
-Cloak of Sewer (-1 AC bonus)
-Helmet of Balduran (-1 AC bonus)
-Amulet of Master Harper (-3 AC bonus)
-Yamato (-1 AC bonus)
-Blur (-3 AC bonus)
Now you just need to worry about critical hits (and magic).
for stock NPCs, well... half of them are mages, most have other defenses (Minsc, Anomen - shield of faith, Jaheira - Iron Skins), or can just be kept out of melee combat... but for example Korgan and Sarevok, well, they're gonna have a hard time with quite a few enemies.
There is no alignment based rationale for distinguishing the duplication of a unique item; there is simply the acknowledgement that it is a bug and then saying you enjoy it and plan to do it anyway -- which is perfectly fine. Many people enjoy a lot of the bugs in the BG series and feel the game would be poorer for their removal. There is nothing wrong with that.
One note, Prot from Evil seems to be the exception as it is counted as a thac0-penatly to the attacker. (imp invis should count so too but with -4)
(proof: http://www.valkyries.de/attack_roll.jpg - was only a test and took korgan just to confirm something else; note the protection modifier in his attack roll against Tyris)
2nd assumption is wrong :P Certain enemies will hit you nonetheless, took the liberty to c&p some of it and confirmed only a few, but its right. (usually base-thac0 + specialization up to GM + STR bonus + and/or hardcoded bonus)
Yaga Shura: –16, –18 when enranged (this one I'm not sure of, as he has two different weapons)
The Ravager: –15
Irenicus (as slayer): –13
Draconis (I think — his file is just "purple dragon"): –13
The Huntress (Watcher's Keep final seal guardian): –13 with bow (plus called shot ability), –9 with sword
Incidentally, other Watcher's Keep final seal guardians:
- Xei Win Toh: –6
- Nalmissra: –2
- Ameralis Zauviir: 2
- hive mother: 1
- Y'Tossi: 3
Balthazar: –12
Melissan (final battles): –12 with her spear, –11 with her dart (strangely, she's has no proficiency, so this includes a penalty, as she's a cleric/mage)
various other dragons:
- "FSDRAGON" (the green dragon on the penultimate level of Watcher's Keep): –12
- Firkraag: –12
- "red dragon" (maybe Saladrex, the one in Watcher's Keep, except he doesn't have any dropable items): overall –12
- "brown dragon" (the one in the hell trials, maybe?): –11
- "yellow dragon": –11
- Thaxll'ssilliyia (shadow dragon), –10
- Nizidramanii'yt (the black dragon in Sudanesselar): –10
- silver dragon: –9
Sendai (form 5, the strongest): overall –8, –10 when enraged
fire giant elite: –6
Sadly, this is one of the limitations of the d20 system. At high levels, the dice roll becomes a smaller and smaller part of the picture, and the statistical differences between classes become so vast that balance becomes very difficult and only hyperspecialization is rewarded. Dungeons & Dragons Online is so overinflated that this happens around level 8.