Operation metal Storm (Darts, Daggers)

I wanted to test how well darts and throwing daggers performed now that they have STR bonus. ( I fixed darts in my game with near infinity to go by the book).
I had a small party which consisted of a Gnomish Fighter/ Illusionist, Half Elf Fighter/Druid (the healbot as clerics cannot use darts) and a Half Orc Fighter/ Thief. All had ** in darts in one game then ** in throwing daggers the next game.
All had 18/00 str apart from the orc of course and 18 dex.
Unbelievable. Try it the third attack from darts is barely noticable in damage comparison to the daggers. Everything dies before it can even get to you. Elminster fell in a matter of 60 seconds, I am in the process of completing the game but I have never had so much fun as with this party.
I had a small party which consisted of a Gnomish Fighter/ Illusionist, Half Elf Fighter/Druid (the healbot as clerics cannot use darts) and a Half Orc Fighter/ Thief. All had ** in darts in one game then ** in throwing daggers the next game.
All had 18/00 str apart from the orc of course and 18 dex.
Unbelievable. Try it the third attack from darts is barely noticable in damage comparison to the daggers. Everything dies before it can even get to you. Elminster fell in a matter of 60 seconds, I am in the process of completing the game but I have never had so much fun as with this party.
I'm no physics professor, but I believe that darts are rather light to benefit from such an impulse.
That sounds neat. I would add a character who hurls throwing axes as well.
I'd use throwing daggers more (especially as they now get the strength bonus) if:
a) there were *any* magic one in BGEE (a +1 returning one would suffice, or if consider OP, unlimited availability of +1 disposable ones, like the +1 unlimited Beruel's Retort throwing axes introduced in Beregost in BGEE), as there *are* enemies immune to non-magical items (actually, can you use a spell to make throwing daggers temporarily magical? I can't remember...)
b) Currently in BG2 vanilla, whilst there are a few good magic throwing daggers (up to +3 e.g. Firetooth +3 THACO, 1-2 fire damage, Returns to thrower), there are not many (though BGEE may introduce more), also throwing daggers don't currently receive the strength damage bonus in BG2 (throwing axes and one magical sling are the only ranged weapons that do) and it's not been confirmed yet whether this will change for BG2EE, so could be a risky weapon choice to rely on, if expecting a Str-based ranged damage bonus for daggers in BG2EE
Ninja -> Kit for thieves
-Can Grandmaster at darts and daggers (+1/2 atk per round, +2 hit, +3 dmg, -2 weapon speed)
-+2 to Movement Rate, +20% Move Silently
-Special Ability: Create Shuriken at level 1 (special dart that deals 1d4 dmg, Quantity: 40, once per day that lasts for 24 hours)
-Special Ability: Create Shuriken+1 at level 7 (1d4+1 dmg, +1 hit, Quantity: 40)
-Special Ability: Create Shuriken+2 at level 13 (1d4+2 dmg, +2 hit, Quantity: 40)
-Special Ability: Create Shuriken+3 at level 20 (1d4+3 dmg, +3 hit, Quantity: 40)
-Special Ability: Create Shuriken+4 at level 28 (1d4+4 dmg, +4 hit, Quantity: 40)
-Cannot Backstab
-Cannot Wear Armor
-+15 Thief Points at level up
Also, allowing Grand Mastery for a Thief kit seems wrong, I'd say only allowing 2 or 3 points in darts and daggers at most.
BTW does anyone not what weapons halflings get racial modifiers in PnP? Is it *all* thrown/hurled weapons (slongs, darts, daggers, axes) or just some? Seems odd they gets darts in BGEE, but not daggers, though axes might be a bit weird for halflings to get bonuses for.