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reputation and donations to temples, inconsistent with BGEE manual.

D3V11_D3V11_ Member Posts: 69
ankheg said:

SirK8 said:

Someone posted this on another thread, I believe it's accurate but have not tested it:

Reputation Maintenance Donation Info

17 reputation points - 500 gold for one more
16 - 400
15 - 300
14 - 300
13 - 200
12 - 200
11 - 100
10 - 100
9 - 100
8 - 100
7 - 100
6 - 200
5 - 200
4 - 200
3 - 300
2 - 400
1 - 500

So whatever your current reputation is, you'll need to pay the specified amount of gold to raise it one point

It is not. Or it shouldn't be. You can find the list in the manual (p17) there is a mistake however rep 13/14 should be 1200 and 1500.
ok, those are correct for the old BG, but the manual for BGEE gives different prices (way higher). Now Im not sure if this is a bug or if the manual is just wrong? and Im not sure for what platform I saw the following happen (or if it is both, but i only did it on one), but I believe I have fallen to reputation 1 (or somewhere close to one), at one point when I was just testing stuff out, and I remember using the donation values from the old BG and my reputation increased accordingly.

what is going on here? is this a typo in the manual or something that was forgotten to be adjusted from the original BG? is this a bug?


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