Epic moments (Screenshot version)

Post screenshots of your epic moments in Infinity engine games(BG, IWD, PST) with short explanation of what is happening in the screenshot. I will start with examples.

Here the Cornugon cast Lightning Bolt and at the same time I was casting Time Stop and just before the lightning hit me, I froze it in time.

In this screenshot my character disintegrated Thaxll'ssillyia by just one try. I didn't use Greater Malison or Lower Resistance or other spell that lowers SR or ST. I was just swinging with my swords and I got level drained. My character's levels were something like 12/11(fighter/mage) before the level drain. I managed to make the dragon Badly Injured before he drained my levels but after that it would be impossible to hurt him further cuz my THAC0 was severely damaged. My protections were going to expire and my character was going to die(To end like this...). I couldn't run away with my dignity blackened(it would be a pure cheese to leave the dungeon and return back later) so I stood and fought. I saw the single memorized disintegrate spell I had. Seconds later all was dust.

Here my Contingency spell was triggered when I entered the cave, a Prismatic Spray and two Finger of Death spells were released, as a result one Gouth was rendered dead.
P.S. You can also post screenshots from your playthroughs that capture something epic even if not performed by you. Like this one:

"I am ready. It is time for the end."

Here the Cornugon cast Lightning Bolt and at the same time I was casting Time Stop and just before the lightning hit me, I froze it in time.

In this screenshot my character disintegrated Thaxll'ssillyia by just one try. I didn't use Greater Malison or Lower Resistance or other spell that lowers SR or ST. I was just swinging with my swords and I got level drained. My character's levels were something like 12/11(fighter/mage) before the level drain. I managed to make the dragon Badly Injured before he drained my levels but after that it would be impossible to hurt him further cuz my THAC0 was severely damaged. My protections were going to expire and my character was going to die(To end like this...). I couldn't run away with my dignity blackened(it would be a pure cheese to leave the dungeon and return back later) so I stood and fought. I saw the single memorized disintegrate spell I had. Seconds later all was dust.

Here my Contingency spell was triggered when I entered the cave, a Prismatic Spray and two Finger of Death spells were released, as a result one Gouth was rendered dead.
P.S. You can also post screenshots from your playthroughs that capture something epic even if not performed by you. Like this one:

"I am ready. It is time for the end."
Rasaad can sure talk the talk
How to kill the Guardians to Demogorgon:
Not so epic moment. My character barely survived Irenicus's torture at the start of SoA.
That's sixteen Gibberlings at level one. (12 alive, 4 dead). Sigh...I missed you so much SCS.
Was nice to actually have to be tactical again, instead of just zerging.