Neera vanishes?

OK - Have an evil party, curently with Edwin. Had picked up Neera before getting Shar-Teel and dismissed Neera (after getting the Adoy's Enclave mission) before getting Edwin. One one of my trips to the FAI, I saw Neera to the right of Bently Mirrorshade. I then did the Adoy mission w/o Neera, and the game brought her in as a 3rd party NPC to get the dialogue variables to work with Adoy. She then vanished - I was expecting her at the FAI again, but she isn't there...
She isn't in the FAI at all? I've seen her wonder around a bit if you're in the area (I think she tries to walk to you, but maybe the pathing is wonky).
I don't know. If you want her, can you CLUA her to you?