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Concerning Rangers

After playing each ranger kit for till cloakwood, I am left wondering, whats the point of the ranger class in BG?
Whats the point of having a scout character that cannot detect or disarm traps, you might as well roll a Fighter/Thief and have everything a ranger should be!! besides having +4 to a racial enemy, a ranger is just weaker fighter that really sucks, a fighter can get grandmastery in bows, wear heavy armor, dual class to thief, stealth, find and set traps.... leaving ranger with... a class that WAS an IDEA, but never fully realized.. It sounds cool on paper but it does not deliver.


  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    Archers get some stuff to bows a fighter never gets. Stalkers can backstab. Rangers themselves and beastmasters seem a bit pointless to me, though.
  • hammernanvilhammernanvil Member Posts: 98
    edited January 2013
    Archer only gets called shot, at the expense of metal armor, also gets 2 free points to 2 weapon style, (WTF) That bonus seperated the ranger from the fighter, which is useless to the archer, the archer kit needs fixing, those 2 points for 2 weaponstyle need to go somewhere else! Stalkers can backstab, but only get to specialize in all weapons. making them a mediocre fighter/thief, without locks or trap skills..
  • hammernanvilhammernanvil Member Posts: 98
    Well everytime I get to cloakwood forest I have to use imoen to scout because of traps, and not my "ranger" which hardly seems... ranger...
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,450
    Remember too that the origin of the game is Role Playing. Its about immersing yourself in another persona, not just pluses and minuses and powers. For so many players the whole point of the Ranger is to BE Aragorn, or some other hero from fiction or their own imagining.
    In the original 2E rules the descriptions of classes (and later, kits when the supplements came out) were all about who the inspiration or archetypes were.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    edited January 2013
    You keep saying traps over and over again.

    It'd be like if I made a ranger and was upset that I couldn't cast arcane spells. I have to keep having Xan cast skull trap! No where in the ranger class description is anything mentioned about traps.

    I have a ranger do scouting all the time in stealth. They scout just as well in stealth as a thief does because... you can't detect traps in stealth. So you are screwed either way if their are enemies around, you either have to drop stealth and let the enemies swarm or hit the trap.

    Or in your particular situation since I think we're talking Web here, give your ranger a ring or potion of free action, have them go trip all the traps under stealth, and problem solved.

    Edit: This wasn't suppose to come off as hostile. I understand you are disappointed with the rangers performance, and I think you have valid reasons for being unhappy with it. I don't think the fault lies with the class, I just think you would be much happier with a F/T multiclass. You would be a tough fighter, great scout, trap disarmer, lock opener, and back stabber.

    I've restarted several times after realizing the class / kit / multiclass combination wasn't performing for me exactly how I wanted it to.

    I'd make a Dwarf F/T, make sure you take a con of 19 and get the con tome in the golem cave on the lighthouse map early to give you 20 con. Your saving throws will be through the roof and you will be an amazing tank. You are going to have only 17 dex till you get the dex tome late game. If that is a deal breaker try Half Orc F/T you get the 19 con and 19 str and 18 dex, you just won't get the saving throws.
    Post edited by moopy on
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    moopy said:

    It'd be like if I made a ranger and was upset that I couldn't cast arcane spells.

    They could in 1st Edition! :D
  • hammernanvilhammernanvil Member Posts: 98
    edited January 2013
    "Rangers are skilled woodsmen and hunters"
    hunters track, bait, and trap. they dont run around with 2 swords flailing. most people in the woods carry axes or a machete. Im just pointing out that the BG ranger really doesen't know what it is, its not really very good at anything, and nowhere near as versatile as it should be.
    I would call robinhood a fighter/thief, not a ranger, not according to BG anyways. And he is the ultimate woodsman/hunter.

  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    I'd call robin hood a ranger with archer kit.
  • hammernanvilhammernanvil Member Posts: 98
    How can you say that, its obvious robin hood was a master bowman, but he was also a thief, its what his whole character is based on.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    Given his ability to call bow shots I'd still stick with the archer kit since it has the ability to call a shot.

    It has been a while since I've read the book, so I could be very very wrong, but as I recall most of his thievery was more strong armed robbery, at bow point. So he really just needs stealth and the ability to call a shot to the point of hitting a pin point target with a longbow. Did he do a lot of lock picking and trap disarming?
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    Well, frankly, a scout who is supposed to go ahead and make sure the area is safe *should* have at least a few trap disarming skills. Roleplay-wise. I'm not complaining, just saying it makes perfect sense to me. Maybe as a scout kit that gets trap finding skills automatically like a bard gets pickpocket.
  • hammernanvilhammernanvil Member Posts: 98
    edited January 2013
    I doubt he picked locks, but he did steal, and im sure he set a fair amount of traps for his prey.

    @KidCarnival thats exactly what I was thinking, It kind of defeats the purpose of being a hunter who can stalk his prey but cant detect traps, who's the real hunter now? whoever set the trap that the dumb ranger couldnt detect obviously. From an RP sense.... it makes sense.
  • unfortunate_oneunfortunate_one Member Posts: 44
    I always thought a Tracker kit for a Ranger would be fun. Detect/Disable traps while in stealth in non-city outdoor areas only. Must have a Dex of 18+. Can not wear metal armor.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938
    edited January 2013
    Yeah, you've got me on the setting traps part.

    F/T makes more sense just for the ability to set traps.

    Maybe a fighter with grand mastery in bows that is then dualed to a thief.

    Edit: Or a Bounty Hunter thief (special and better traps) that is then dualed to fighter and obtains grand mastery in bows.

    Bounty Hunter 11 / Fighter the rest of the way.
  • jcdenton11jcdenton11 Member Posts: 20
    This thread makes me want to roll an archer char. Would anyone recommend a good/neutral party composition that would balance well? I'm used to doing melee characters, so I usually go with a cleric and Kivan for marital warriors/ranged, Imoen for thief, and Neera and Dynaheir. Would forgoing Kivan for a pure melee fighter be a better idea, and if so, who's a decent fit? Thanks in advance.
  • hammernanvilhammernanvil Member Posts: 98
    I would use minsc as a melee fighter over kivan. jaheira makes a good tank and she can heal. branwen is a better cleric than ajantis. I only ever use 1 mage.
  • moopymoopy Member Posts: 938

    For more fun go with an elf archer for the 19dex and +1 thac0 with longbows. I'd go for 18 str as well to use a composite bow until you get some of the better named bows that don't have a strength requirement.

    If you don't mind killing or stealing from Drizit and want to use Kivan in a whole new way, have him dual wield Twinkle and Icingdeath. As an elf he gets +1 thac0 with scimitars, and he turns into a dual wielding death machine. This way you can use him for archery until you get the scimitars.

    Archer CHARNAME / Imoen (for thief) / Kivan (Ranged initially, then back up as ranged and specialized towards melee) / Yeslick (Cleric needs) / Dynaheir (Arcane needs)

    Then for the 6th slot pick Minsc, Neera, anyone.
  • jcdenton11jcdenton11 Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2013
    @moopy I was planning on an elf for the racial bonus, and @hammeranvil thanks for the recommendation for clerics. For now. I think I'll stick with Minsc/Dynaheir, Branwen and Imoen. I'd go with Jaheira, but I feel a bit bad for offing Khalid, despite later story events. Maybe I'll leave that slot for awhile and investigate my other since I'll have pretty good damage output from the get go with a comp. bow.
  • KidCarnivalKidCarnival Member Posts: 3,747
    I'm not even sure why a thief has trap skills. In houses, yeah, if they break in and avoid alarming guards... but that's more a stealthy ability to me. Rangers are hunters who know the woods inside out, so they should be able to detect and disarm traps. I'd even make a case for druids to have that as a 1/day ability because they are protectors of nature and traps are meant to harm animals. See the quest where the druids go berzerk on the hunters.

    @jcdenton11 - I'd take Minsc to front line. I assume you'll go for a good party as a ranger, so killing or stealing from Drizzt wouldn't be easy to justify, roleplay-wise.
  • hammernanvilhammernanvil Member Posts: 98
    I always leave khalid in nashkel, in the barracks, I kick him out of the party when he is alone in the building, you can just rp that he joined the local forces while the others carried on.
  • hammernanvilhammernanvil Member Posts: 98

    I'd take Minsc to front line. I assume you'll go for a good party as a ranger, so killing or stealing from Drizzt wouldn't be easy to justify, roleplay-wise.

    Unless you kill him on sight for being a drow first, and an elf.. second :D, In my games I hardly consider elves any better than dire wolves.
  • HoratioHoratio Member Posts: 18
    Regarding the +1 to hit and +1 to damage with bows.


    Benefits with weapon


    Normal THAC0 while using weapon


    +1 THAC0. +2 damage. +1/2 attacks per round


    +3 THAC0. +3 damage. +1/2 attacks per round

    High Mastery

    +3 THAC0. +4 damage. +1/2 attacks per round. -1 speed factor to weapon.

    Grand Mastery

    +3 THAC0. +5 damage. +1 attacks per round. -3 speed factor to weapon.

    Fighters can get Grand Mastery which gives them +2 thaco and +3 damage anyway.

    This means that they are actually better in bows than a 9th level Archer and nearly equal (1 thaco less) than a 12th level Archer.

    But this damage and thaco can be applied to any weapon they put points into. Also can wear full plate while doing it all.
  • megozwierzmegozwierz Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2013
    cool story bro, but archers can get grand mastery in (cross)bows
  • hammernanvilhammernanvil Member Posts: 98
    edited January 2013
    Horatio said:

    Fighters can get Grand Mastery which gives them +2 thaco and +3 damage anyway.

    This means that they are actually better in bows than a 9th level Archer and nearly equal (1 thaco less) than a 12th level Archer.

    But this damage and thaco can be applied to any weapon they put points into. Also can wear full plate while doing it all.

    Archers can get grandmastery..

  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252

    This thread makes me want to roll an archer char. Would anyone recommend a good/neutral party composition that would balance well? I'm used to doing melee characters, so I usually go with a cleric and Kivan for marital warriors/ranged, Imoen for thief, and Neera and Dynaheir. Would forgoing Kivan for a pure melee fighter be a better idea, and if so, who's a decent fit? Thanks in advance.

    I just ran through the Black Pits last night start to finish and my Archer character was without a doubt the most deadly person I put on that field. You should totally give it a go JC (Love those games, btw). Just remember to use the special bowshots! So many times I was sitting there like 'Oh, that's right, I can do (ability)!'.

    For me personally, I would probably have my Archer, Imoen (dual to Mage once her Thief skills are good enough for Durlags), Minsc as the 2H butt-kicker, Jaheira develops into a good tank and brings heals and buffs/debuffs, then fill out the last two with one more melee and one more ranged type of your choosing. One out of Dynaheir, Neera, or Xan would make a good choice as more backline firepower and crowd control/buffbots (Haste on an Archer is ridiculous), and Yeslick with the belt from Rasaad's quest makes a damn solid beast in melee plus combined with Jaheira will have you more than covered on divine spells and meatshields to protect your gunline. But that's me of course, I'm a huge fan of magical firepower.
  • ChowChow Member Posts: 1,192
    Can't forget that there aren't many thieving skills around in BG1, when you can't get yourself to a very high level. Having a ranger around will free your primary thief's skills into other, more important matters, such as lockpicking and trapfinding.
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